Some More Valentines

I am having so much fun working on these pictures!  Every once in a while I will do a session that I am just plain giddy over.  This one was one of those sessions.  With every picture I finish, I just want to jump up and start clapping my hands!  lol  I’m going to just upload them as I work on them, so mommas, keep checking back for pictures of your baby!

This picture stopped me in my tracks.  Wow!  That girl is photogenic.  I felt like I was working on an ad from a magazine.  She’s like a little model!!  Her momma needs to put her in commercials, no joke!  Look at how beautiful she is!

Hello, gorgeous eyes!

Sweet Valentines

Go Saints!  Oh, uh hmmm…I mean today I did Valentines pictures for one of the playgroups that we’re in.  I am so anxious to work on all of the pictures because they are so beyond adorable and I love ALL of them!!  But it’s late and I’ve been up way too late for the past couple of nights looking on-line with Ryder for apartments in N.Y. city.  Yes,  N.Y. city!  Are we crazy?!  Maybe.  😉  So for tonight, here are just two pictures from today.  This little girl makes my heart melt!  As I was taking her pictures, I just couldn’t stop saying, “Oh my gosh!!!  Oh my gosh!!!  She’s so cute!!”  You may recognize her from the Halloween and Christmas pictures.  Oh, she is just one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen!  I am so excited about her birthday pictures next month!  More to come tomorrow and throughout the week!

1 Already?!

No, no, no!  How can it be?  How can he really be turning 1 already?!  Time sure does fly and that just makes me feel old!  So the very first child that I took pictures of other than Mya was Jaxon.  He was around a month old and I didn’t know what I was doing!  See here.  His momma wanted to use the same blue chair that we used when he was a newborn and that brought a tear to my eye.  If you know me at all, you know I’m one of THE most emotional people that ever lived:  Pisces sign, genes, who knows?  Now here he is a year later, cuter than ever!  He was so easy to work with.  He’s a happy boy, no doubt.  Poor thing, by the time we got around to the cake, he was shivering and just plain miserable.  But he ate some of his cake and when he was done, he let us know!  We made it all better by putting him in a warm bath with Mya….so cute!!  Happy birthday, sweet boy!  Now time, sloooow down!

A Day of Cards

Yesterday afternoon Mya and I made her Valentines cards for her friends.  I bought some with her Valentines pictures for close friends and family and they turned out really cute.  We were going to give those to all of her friends but after spending nearly $50 on those, I said, “No way!  Not paying a dime more for Valentines cards!”  That would be just plain crazy.  $50 is already crazy!  These are the homemade ones.  Well, I say homemade, but what I mean is semi-homemade.  Okay, not homemade at all.  It’s Michaels in a bag!!  😉

This red and blue color combination has become my obsession.  I’m thinking of using those colors for my new website that I am going to have custom made when I win the lottery or start making the big bucks!

I recently got some business cards that I’m very excited about!  They are mini cards, half the size of a regular business card.  Perfectly cute!

Daddy’s Girl!

Last week we had so much fun just hanging out in the front yard and driveway.  Mya loves being outside!  I’m working on getting a playscape or something fun for the back yard.  I really don’t think she cares what is out there as long as she is outside.  Maybe I’m the one who wants the fun slide?  😉

Here’s Mya in her dada’s hat.  She is a Longhorn fan, through and through.  She can even say, “Hook ’em!”  Too bad I couldn’t get her to be a true Seminole fan.  Maybe one day!