This evening I did a session with this family and they were a ton of fun. There little boy has so much personality and had me laughing so much. He was so, so sweet too. I just have a love for little boys. I want to pick them up and give them a big squeeze because I think they are the cutest things ever! I really loved doing pictures for you guys and can’t wait to keep on editing your session. But it’s past 9:00 and that means snooze time for this party animal that I’ve become. lol
Lil Pumpkins/Asheville Baby and Child Photographer
Yesterday I did Halloween pictures for my Meetup group. Yeah, I know, I normally post about my sessions the night of, but this “morning sickness”, as they call it, is really kicking my booty at night! And my muscles are so sore, especially my abs, from laying on the ground, trying to get those perfect shots. Man, sessions are going to get tough the further along I get with this pregnancy. Or maybe I’m just getting old and out of shape. lol But I had the best time with these kids. I love kids so very much and love that I get to still work with them, even though I’m not teaching anymore. What a perfect evening spent with some very cool parents and some super cute kids! Thank you guys! Hope you all have a fun Halloween and hopefully it warms up because right now it is fr-fr-fr-freeeeeezing out!!
This might be my favorite picture of all time that I’ve taken. I love everything about it. Her momma is the most creative lady ever and Ava is the sweetest little girl who is the perfect model!
This is River’s little buddy. I just love her!! Her personality is like a huge ray of sunshine. I had so much fun with her, playing in the leaves and carrying the pumpkins around. She had a blast and so did I! Isn’t her costume so cute? Her momma made it. These mommas are starting to make me look bad with my store bought costumes!
These three are so cute! And it’s so easy to get them to smile! It just amazes me how easy it is to get them all to look and smile at the same time, a photographer’s dream!
The cutest baby costume ever!!
Remember this cutie from a recent session? We got her to smile! Yeah! But she still made us work for it.
I haven’t seen this little man in so long! He’s still the happiest thing but I was expecting him to still be this immobile little baby. Well, duh, of course he isn’t that little baby anymore. He’s a very active little boy who wants to walk! Everywhere! It was so great seeing you guys again!
Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you get lots of treats!
Fall Leaves/Asheville Family Photographer
Tonight I did a session with a family where our goal was to capture the fall leaves. They decided to just stay in my neighborhood which made things so laid back and easy for us all. The trees in our neighborhood are so beautiful right now but the leaves are starting to fall really fast! Noooo! Glad we got to get photos in them before they were gone! I had fun with you guys! I have lots more I want to share but there is a very important football game on right now. Come on Seminoles!
A little bit o’vintage!
Halloween Time/Asheville Child Photographer
Today I did a few pictures of Mya and River in their costumes. They love to dress up in the playroom so this was so much fun for them. It made me SO excited about Halloween!! These trees are at the entrance to our neighborhood and everyday I’ve just been watching them turn colors and have been loving it! I hate to see these gorgeous leaves fall so I had to take advantage of them before they were gone. So here are my witch and very hungry little caterpillar.
A Morning at the Beach/Asheville Child Photographer
We just got back from a week in Heaven, I mean a week at the beach! We went to Myrtle Beach, the beach that I grew up going to every summer. It was so nostalgic for me to be there again. I recognized the hotel that we used to stay at without even knowing the name. I saw the pancake house that we used to eat breakfast at. I saw where I rode my first roller coaster. Being there took me straight back to my childhood and all of the good memories that I had with my grandparents. The whole time we were there I had dreams about them. Made me miss them so much.
I knew that while we were there I wanted to take pictures of Mya on the beach. The first day there is the day that I should have done it. She was happier than I have ever seen her in my life. The beach was her place! And then as the week went on, she got really, really sick. But she still wanted to go to the beach and spend the days at the pool in the lazy river. On our last day there, she was feeling better, so I got her up early and took her to the beach to do pictures. She still loved it but was so worn down from the week and from not sleeping (yeah, we decided to put her and River in the same room….ohhhh boy, nobody slept!) And the sun was just too bright, even at 7:45! So I didn’t get the pictures that I had wanted so badly, but I got time alone with my girl. After we finished taking pictures, we sat on our towel and watched the ocean and the paddle surfers. It was so peaceful and a time that I’ll never forget. I miss the beach so much and wish we were still there, but now I have some pictures to remind me of the amazing time that we had. I love you my sweet, sweet girl!