I love when little babies come in and have so much hair, even as newborns! This little guy had the perfect head of hair and was oh so sweet at his session. This teal color is one of my favorites and I love using it for fall. I’m so ready to get out the burnt oranges, pumpkins, and all of the fall props! Now if this heat wave would go away and we could get to some real fall weather, that would be great! Ha! Does that happen in Northern CA?! I guess I will find out soon enough! Either way, I’m getting out our pumpkin scented candles and decorating the house like it’s a real fall like we got in Asheville! I am truly going to miss the changes in the leaves. They are so beautiful and it was one of my favorite times of year there. The other day, our daughter said, “Now I see why all of the tourists go to Asheville in the fall!” It was so normal for our kids to live somewhere with so many beautiful fall leaves. It will be different here but all of the sunshines makes up for the lack of fall leaves! I am mostly totally set up to start business here in the Bay Area! I’m SO ready. The break has been needed with all of the things that had to be done here: get the house in order, get the kids all set up with school, their activities, tutors, doctors,…that was a lot of work! But now I’m ready to meet new families and get back to work. I know it will take time to grow my business here but I’m ready! ~Brandy Lewis (Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer)

For more information about scheduling your session, see here! https://brandylewisphotography.com/contact-information/
Contact: brandynicole77@gmail.com