Hey Coach!

This morning I took pictures for the old P.E. teacher at the school that I used to work at and her family.  Before I left the house, I thought, “Oh, a 4 year old and a 4 month old, this will be easy!!  😉  Well, the 4 year old swore that he was NOT having his picture taken, the minute that he saw me.  And so we started with the baby and she was easy.  Shortly after, the 4 year old slowly started warming up to me and was doing great but then the baby started crying.  lol  I had a fun time this morning no matter who didn’t want their picture taken.  I got some great pictures of them all and I can’t wait to show more.  Right now my computer is going CR-AZY!  So I’m going to restart it and try again later tonight.  So here are just a few pictures that I was able to get done.  Thanks, coach, for meeting me so early.  I know it’s hard to get the family out the door early like that so I appreciate you working with me and it was so nice to see you again and to get to hang out with your family!  (Just added more.  🙂  Computer is working again.  Whew!)

Not quite warmed up to me yet: