So not having anyone booked for sessions in June is killing me! I am in love with photography and when I’m not working, I just feel like a drug addict without my drug! 😉 I also love looking at other photographer’s sites. Yesterday during Mya’s nap, that’s what I did, caught up on my favorite photographer’s sites. Of course looking at their work just made me even more miserable to not be working so when Mya got up I took her down the street and took some pictures of her. Ahhh, much better. 😉
Sometimes a Hat is All You Need!
Today we went to the BBQ Festival. It was just like being in Austin but greener! We went because one of our favorite singer/songwriters from Austin was going to be there, Carolyn Wonderland. Turns out, they had a stage called “Meat Austin Music” where there were lots of Austinite bands. We were thrilled! We had so much fun!! I’m so glad that we went. It did take a little bit of work to get there on time. We had to get Mya up earlier than usual this morning, take her to a park to run, run, run to wear her out all so that we could lay her down early for her nap so that we could get her up earlier than usual. It worked! We got to the festival just as Carolyn was starting. After checking out the music for a while we went to find the BBQ. I was on a mission to find the N.C. stand. We finally found it. It was the last one and it was closed! No! I wanted my N.C. style of BBQ. TX BBQ is good, so good, but just different. We finally found a stand that had something that looked similar to what I was used to and it was divine!! After we ate, my hat became the center of entertainment for about 1/2 an hour. 😉 Love it when Mya can be that easily entertained! We can’t wait to go back to the festival again next year. Could this city get any better, really?
And the winner is……
Christina!!! I almost missed your comment!!! That was quick. I thought this might go on for a few days. The answer?
Betsey Johnson!! I love her but nope, I don’t have any of her clothes. So Christina, email me and we can set up your free session!!! Yay!! Thank you everyone for participating! That was fun!
Let the Games Begin
Okay, I thought I would have a little contest for some fun! The first person to guess my favorite designer will get a FREE session with me (a $250 value)!
Here are the rules: This session must be used by July 31st and must be in the Manhattan area. This does not include prints or the free 8×10 canvas that is being given to the first 5 NY clients. Guesses need to be left as a comment on this post. You can guess as many times as you would like. As soon as someone gets it right, the contest is over and I will put up the winner!
Here’s a hint: I don’t own any of her clothes because let’s face it, I’m not a millionaire. 😉 And yes, I said “her”. And her name has a “t” in it.
Good luck!
Umm, WHAT?!
So if you follow my blog, you know that Mya HATES having her picture taken and usually starts crying the instant she sees my camera. No joke. Well, yesterday I was sorting through all of my props, getting them in order, getting excited about booking some new NY clients, uh hmmm….yes, NY clients (that’s a hint to the New Yorkers to book me lol) and Mya started putting on the hats and tutus and asked me to take her picture. WHAT?!! Of course I said, “Absolutely!” She was so cute and wanted her Papa Bear in the pictures too. I realized that by placing her beloved Papa Bear on top of the camera, I was able to get her to look and smile at the camera all at the same time! Girl, you made my day!