This session was so sweet! I love doing in-home sessions, especially when there are big brothers and sisters because they are so excited not only to have a new baby in the family but also that I’m there. I’m like a new friend coming to visit.
These children were just adorable and full of energy. It wasn’t super easy getting big brother to sit still for even a second but he’s 2 and that’s how 2 year old boys are. My son had more energy at 2 than anyone I’ve ever seen in my life. Now he’s so chill. Funny how they change like that! This baby boy was so perfect. I barely heard a peep out of him the entire session! I think he loved all of the action around him. It’s what he’s been hearing for the past 40 or so weeks! Little man, you were born into such a fun, loving family! Welcome to the world, little buddy! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)