Two Boys/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Somehow I never shared these photos from this session.  This little guy was so cute and so much fun to hang out with!  I did his newborn photos so it was cool to see him all grown up and with a new baby brother!  I had the hardest time finding a location for this session!  The trees were in bloom everywhere but not in public places.  We ended up in a weird spot but it worked out perfectly!  I definitely am not going to miss having to worry about location and weather once I start back in my studio but I am going to miss all of the nature!  I may just have to bring that indoors more somehow!  Stay tuned!

Wide Eyed/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This baby girl was wide awake during her session up until the very last minute but she made the best eye contact and would follow me with her eyes.  It was unreal!  She’s SO adorable and I love that I got to do a girl session outdoors with flowers!  Spring in Asheville is just beautiful!  Welcome to the world sweet Fallon!

Peaceful/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This little guy was really unhappy at the start of his session and just wanted to eat but once he finally settled down and I wrapped him up, he was SO content, didn’t make a peep or even move!  He was a dream baby.  And his momma and daddy were so sweet with him, just so in love!  I adored this session so much!  Congratulations you guys!!  He’s PERFECT!

Spring is Here!/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I will be starting back to my full studio sessions coming up and I’m excited but I’m going to miss these outdoor sessions!  I may have to bring them back sometime!  The flowers everywhere right now look so beautiful!  When I saw these yellow flowers, I just had to use them!    Baby girl was  not happy at the end of the session but we very quickly got a photo in the yellow flowers and I’m so glad it worked out!