New Opening in October

I just found out that I now have an opening on the weekend of October 9th, either the 9th or the 10th.  If you would like this date, please contact me ASAP!

Fashion Photography??

So this is the most exciting week in NYC!  It’s Fashion Week y’all and I can’t even explain how excited that makes me!!  While teaching, I decided at one point that I really would like to get into photography and started taking a class at the local college at night.  It was hard because I knew absolutely nothing!  One day the professor asked me, “So what type of photography do you want to do?”  And with a truly honest answer, I replied, “Fashion photography.”  I really did!  He just looked at me, smirked and said, “Oh, okay,” and walked away.  Well, okay then!  I’ve always been into fashion, as long as I can remember.  Even as a little girl, my sister and I used to put on fake fashion shows on the hearth of my grandparent’s fireplace.  Okay, so maybe I secretly wanted to be a model but as I got older I realized, um, not going to happen.  I love to eat way too much!  lol  Today we went to Lincoln Center which just happens to be a few blocks from our apartment to check out the excitement of Fashion Week.  As we got closer, my heart just started racing!  When we got there, there wasn’t a whole lot to see but then we started seeing celebrities and I just made a tiny fool out of myself.  We first saw Miss Jay from America’s Next Top Model, one of my favorite shows in the world, and well, I grabbed onto my mother-in-law’s shoulders and started jumping up and down saying, “Oh my gosh!!!”  Next we saw Ellen Degeneres and Portia De Rossi and I held it together a little better that time.  😉  Just being there made me realize that man, why didn’t I really try to get into fashion photography like I’ve always dreamed?  I could be in there watching these shows, taking pictures of these amazing clothes, rather than standing outside watching everyone go in in their fancy heels and designer get-ups!  I guess life sometimes takes a turn one way and the next thing you know you’re a mom, staying home, cleaning the house and cooking dinner each night.  While we were at Lincoln Center my MIL even said, “Girl, your eyes are just light up!  You really should go for it!”  Maybe one day.  But really, how could I ever succeed in such a tough business in the fashion capital of the world?  Who knows where life will take me, but maybe one day my photos will end up in the pages of Vogue.

But since now I am a family photographer, today I decided that it was time to take some pictures of my own family!  Before we moved from Austin, I had set up a date to do pictures of my in-laws with Mya.  Well, Ryder and I visited NY in February, immediately came back and put our house on the market, sold everything we owned, and our house sold in a couple of weeks and then that date that I had set aside for pictures ended up turning into the date that we would be flying out of Austin to move to our new home in NYC.  So I never got any pictures of Mya with her grandparents.  Well, today was the day!  We went to Central Park to walk around and it was just a beautiful day!  So this may not be fashion, but right now it’s my passion.  🙂

New York State of Mind

So as of lately, there has only been one thing on my mind:  New York!  I just want to be there.  I just want this house to sell and quickly.  I will tell you, having to have our house look like a showroom at all times is really stressful!  Last weekend, we had an open house and so we knew when to really have the house ready so that was easy.  We took the dogs and Mya to Ryder’s mom’s house for the day.  That was easy.  And yesterday, I got it into my head that people aren’t going to come and look at the house on a weekday.  So I relaxed a little.  This morning I took Mya to the park.  The weather was so beautiful.  We had so much fun together, until she fell and bonked her head really hard!  🙁  We had a relaxing trip to the grocery store, which is almost unheard of in our household.  But while I was there, Ryder, who is in N.J. for work right now, called and said that  a realtor wanted to come and see our house.  WHAT?!!!  I instantly felt like I was going to throw up.  I had to rush through the store as fast as I could, get home, put the groceries up, get the house ready, get the dogs in the car, all while trying really hard to keep Mya from pulling toys out and leaving them all over the house.  By the time we got into the car, I felt like a total maniac!  And it was lunch time and Mya was saying, “Eat, eat eeeeeeat!!”  So what did we do?  Something we never, ever do!  We ate fast food!  In the car!  With the dogs.  LOL  Mya thought it was fun though.  I put her in the front seat to eat and it was like a little picnic.  So I am just really ready to be in N.Y.  I want to be there while it’s warm before the winter hits again.  I want Mya to experience Central Park in the summer with all of the free concerts and fun places to go.  I just want to be there!  I’ve got Mya saying, “Buy our house.  New York!”  hehe  She sometimes whines and cries when she’s tired and she’ll throw, “Neeewwww Yoooorrrrkkk!”  in there somewhere.  It’s hilarious.  Ryder and I look at apartments on-line constantly finding apartments that we love and just want to go and move into, but we can’t until this house sells.  So if you know anyone who is looking for a 3 bedroom, 3 bath house with  a bonus room with a kitchenette, outdoor living with a fireplace, lots of upgrades, limestone exterior, on the green belt with lots of really cool neighbors, email me!!  “I will sell this house today!”  I often feel like the realtor from American Beauty when I’m vacuuming our house each day.  😉

Photo of the Year Contest

So I am done with sessions for the year so I thought it would be fun to have a photo contest.  I’m going to put up some of my favorite photos from the year and let you readers vote for which one is your favorite.  The owner of the winning picture will get a free 8×10 canvas of that photo.  To vote you must leave a comment and in the comment leave the title of the photo that is your favorite.  You can get friends and family to help you vote.  I will close the voting on Friday night at midnight so get started!  (One vote per person, please.)  🙂

Title:  Sweet Girl

Title below:  What a Doll

Title below:  Good Times

Title below:  Birthday Girl

Title below:  We R Family!

Title below:  Whew, it’s chilly!

Title below:  Sweet family

Title below:  It’s a crowd!

Title below:  360

Title below:  The Door

Title below:  Little Model

Title below:  Birthday boy

Title below:  Students

Title below:  Carolina Girl

Title below:  Twins

Title below:  Honey, I heart u!

Title below:  Smoochy scmoochy

Title below:  Brown eyes

Title below:  Baby on the way!

Title below: I-C-U

Title below:  Beautiful

Title below:  Young Love

Title below:  Walkin’ on Sunshine

Title below:  brown eyed girl

Title Below:  “No more cameras!”

Last Etsy Dress!

This is the last dress that I have to post.  It’s soo cute!  And this little girl just looks adorable in it too!  If you haven’t checked out this Etsy site, get there already.  😉  I really enjoyed working with you guys!  I hope to work with you again when you make some more precious little dresses!

