Today I am thankful for so many things. I have such a wonderful husband who really supports me and my business. There is no way that I could ever do this job that I love so much without him. He really takes on a lot more of the parenting responsibilities than most dads when I’m working. And he doesn’t even complain, not once! He actually really enjoys spending the extra time with Mya and Mya loves it too. When I get home, they are usually just coming back from the park in the wagon with the dogs and the basketball and it’s like I’m not even there because they are so giddy. I love it and I love them! My husband is the most giving, caring man. He showed this to me just a couple of months after we met. I was amazed at how selfless he was and I knew that he was a keeper! Just 5 months later, we were engaged! I wasn’t letting him go! 😉 I love you, honey bee!
I am so thankful for my precious, adorable, funny, insanely smart little girl! I won’t write too much about her because it always makes me cry. I’ll save those posts for our family blog! Happy 2nd Turkey Day, my sweet love! (I’m really thankful that we got to soak Mya’s cast off today!! Woohoo!!)

Something else I am thankful for is my mom. She raised my sister and I completely on her own. She was young and it was hard for her. She worked so many hours trying to provide for us. Raising Mya with Ryder and just a part time job is hard enough for me. I can’t imagine what it must have been like with 2 children, only 14 months apart and a waitressing job to try to make ends meet. But somehow she did it and we have ended up being best friends. I love her more than anything and I hate that she lives on the other side of the country. She does call us several times a day most days so that Mya will really know her and she does know her, just from the sound of her voice! You are an amazing woman!
I am also very thankful for the wonderful friends that I have made here in Austin. When I first moved here, I moved away from Atlanta, where I had a lot of close friends and my family was just a few hours away. Now here I was, in the middle of Texas where I didn’t know a soul. It was hard! I have met some amazing women and mothers, especially since Mya has been born and I am so thankful for them and for the support that we give each other. How moms do it without the support of other women I will never know. Women need each other! So thank you, friends! I hope that I can always be there for you like you have been for me!
I have so many things to be thankful for everyday but today is the day that you are supposed to make it public knowledge so there ya have it! I feel so blessed for all of the good that has come into my life. It took a while to get here. Made HUGE mistakes along the way. Took a few wrong turns but somehow I have made it to this place in my life called pure happiness. What more could a girl ask for!
Here are some pictures of my mom with Mya. She wanted pictures of them together. I hardly have any because every time she is in town and I get out the camera, she says, “Not now! I haven’t done my hair/makeup!” So we made it a point to actually go somewhere and take some real photos. Mya was not easy, as always. I expected it. She wouldn’t look at me, didn’t want to stop picking up the acorns and whatever else she found, but these are real pictures of what it’s really like. That’s something I try to explain to parents. My photos show you and your family how you are, not just sitting there, posed with these perfect smiles. It’s you! So here they are! Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope that you have a chance today to really think of the things that you are thankful for too!