My How You’ve Grown, Little Man

This afternoon I met up with one of my Baby Bloomers.  Last time I saw him he was 3 months old and now he is 6 months old and so full of smiles and cuteness!  It’s so cool seeing how much a baby can grow in such a short amount of time.  I’m glad I get to be there to watch him grow!  We were in a rush this evening due to the early sunset these days but little man was great!  So, so good seeing you guys again!  Can’t wait to see him again next time!

Did I mention that the trees here are beautiful this time of year?

The cutest little outfit!

His grandma was in town too.  Isn’t she lovely?

Short and Easy!

This morning I met up with this family for one of the shortest sessions that I’ve ever done.  This almost 2 1/2 year old was like no other child I’ve seen her age.  She would just sit and smile at the camera.  WHAT?!  I didn’t have to do anything most of the time to get her to look at me and to make her laugh or smile.  She was so easy!  And it’s a good thing because it was pretty cold!  Thank you guys for being such an easy family!  😉

I knew it was going to be a good session when this was what I got first thing:

Fall Leaves, Where Are You?

This evening I did photos for my friend and her family.  We had planned this session way back in the summer.  She wanted fall leaves everywhere.  Well, this year, the leaves seem to be taking forever to change so we had to change the date of their session.  It finally came around and boy was it cold!  I had fun with you guys!  (Dad is running in the NY marathon tomorrow!  Impressive!!  Good luck!)  See you guys again soon!

Isn’t this momma just gorgeous?!

Oh My!

This evening I had a session with one of the absolutely cutest, happiest babies I’ve ever seen.  He had the biggest blue eyes.  So, so sweet!  Made me very excited to be having a boy.  And his parents were awesome!  I just don’t think there are any people in Manhattan who aren’t super cool.  I usually get a little nervous before each session that I do, just because I am naturally a very shy person, but as soon as I meet the family, that shyness is out the window because so far, everyone here has just been so nice!  This family was no exception and they were fun and so loving towards their precious little baby boy!  I love when I leave a session and all that I remember is laughing and capturing some great moments.  I have many, many more great shots, but wow, it’s almost midnight and I am beat!!  I loved meeting you guys today!  I hope your first Halloween together is just perfect!


New Yorkers!

Whoever said that New Yorkers are rude hasn’t met my N.Y. clients!  Maybe I’m just lucky but so far, all of the clients that I’ve had here are over the top nice!  I just love hanging out with them and getting to know them and their families!  This family, for example, met up with me this morning on one of the coldest mornings we’ve had yet since it has started cooling off.  They were some of the nicest people ever.  It was extremely windy and pretty chilly for a girl from Texas, but I had a lot of fun with these folks so I didn’t mind it one bit.  It was so nice meeting you guys today!  Good luck in your move!  Here’s a little sneak peek for you.  🙂

I walk past this door at least 3 times a week and I keep telling myself, “One day, I’m going to use that door!”  Today was the day!