Happy 4th From the Lewis’!/Asheville Family Photographer

What a great 4th of July we had!  4th of July in N.C. is so much different than it was in New York!  In New York, it required a lot of preplanning, walking, tantrums (if you have a toddler-lol), but also the best fireworks anyone could ever imagine!  Here in Asheville, the fireworks require you to drive your car to the spot where you want to sit.  You get out with your chairs and blankets, ball, bubbles,….and you hang out in a big grassy area until the fireworks start.  The fireworks are a lot less dramatic, but the experience is so much less stressful!  So I have to say, I enjoyed being in Asheville this year for another holiday!  Hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing day with some fabulous friends and fireworks!

Thought I would include a family photo so that future clients will know who to look for.  😉  The dark hair is gone and so is the baby bump!

Playing Footsie/Asheville Baby Photographer

I’ve been wanting to do this photo since River was born and for some reason we just haven’t gotten around to it until today.  It’s so hard to believe that those little, sweet, precious feet are going to be the feet of a grown man some day!  I’ll kiss them now all that I can!  Happy 2 months sweet little man!

Gettin’ the Fever: Free Photo Session Contest/Asheville Family Photographer

**We have a winner!  Way to go Heather!!  As soon as I posted this, she guessed and got it right!  Maybe the question was too easy!  The answer was Key West!  I will be contacting you, Heather!  Congratulations!**

I am not doing sessions for the year until May but I’m already starting to get antsy.  I have a hard time just being a stay at home mom.  I just have to be doing something at all times.  While folding some laundry today, which I seem to be doing a lot of these days, I decided that it’s time to get the ball rolling.  I decided to have a contest for a free session.  I did this once in NY and it was a lot of fun.  Here’s the deal.  I will offer a free photo session to the first person who is able to guess the answer to my question.  Summer is coming up and all that’s on my mind is sand, sun and water!  (Maybe it’s the snow that I saw falling this morning that really got this on the brain.)  So the question is:  What is my favorite vacation spot?  Here are some clues!  It starts with a “K”.  It’s warm year round there.  They sell lots of pies there that are made with a local fruit.  That’s all I’m gonna say for now.  Each day I will put up a new clue until someone guesses the correct answer.

Here are some rules for the contest:

-You must live in or around the Asheville area.

-The session must take place in the month of May, on a weekend, early morning or late evening.

-The session does not include prints, just the sitting fee.

-Each person may only guess one time per day.

-Leave your guess as a comment.

Okay, there you have it!  Now get to guessing!  The contest will be over as soon as someone gets the correct answer!

Maternity Pictures

Last weekend was our last weekend in NYC and it was also the weekend that we did our family/maternity pictures.  It was sooooo cold!!!!  Mya was not a fan of the frigid weather and neither were my fingers.  😉  I have to give a huge thank you to Angela at http://www.an-gphotoblog.com/ for doing these beautiful pictures for us!  All of you New Yorkers looking for a new family photographer, check her out!

Photo of the Year Contest!!

Okay, folks!  It’s that time of year again.  Time for my Photo of the Year Contest.  This was so much fun last year and the winner got sooo many votes.  I just couldn’t believe it!  So here’s the deal.  Scroll through the pictures and pick your favorite.  At the bottom of this post leave a comment with the title of the one that is your favorite.  Each person can only vote ONCE!  On December 15th (one week) I will announce the winner.  The winner will receive a free 8×10 canvas of their photo.  So email anyone you know and get them to vote for your photo if you have one in the contest!  Time is a tickin’!  Good luck!

“Irish Boy”

Christmas Baby

Sweet Love

Stuck in the Middle

Heavenly Baby

Birthday Boy

Beautiful Girl

Blue Eyed Girl

Valentine Girl

Momma 2-B

Blue is for Boys

The Red Door

All Bundled Up


Happy Baby


Pea in a Pod

Father and Son


4th of July

NY baby

Sweet Lil Pear

I’m 1!

Candy Shoppe

Flower Girl


Momma’s Girl


Just Hangin’ Out


Fall Leaves