One Year!/Asheville Child and Family Photographer

Yesterday I did a one year session for a family that I did maternity pictures for. It’s so cool to me to meet a family while they are expecting their baby and then see them a year later with this really beautiful baby girl who is walking and has so much personality.  She was so full of smiles and was ready to be on the move.  Poor girl had a cold and at the end was ready to be done and all snuggled up in her car seat with her lovie.  Congratulations you guys on your amazing family!  I’m sure I’ll have more to share as I start editing so check back for more!

Small Town Session/Asheville Family Photographer

This evening I did a session that I’ve really been looking forward to.  Some clients that I had done photos for in NY came to Asheville for a session!  I felt very honored that they chose me to do a session for them again and it was so wonderful to see them!  I hadn’t seen them since right before we moved away from NYC and it was so surreal to be hanging out with them here.  I first did pictures of their son when he was only 3 months old and now he’s almost 3 1/2!  It was so cool seeing him as a little boy.  He was such a sweet kid and I had so much fun goofing around with him.  Sometimes I think I click more with kids than I do adults.  lol  Thank you guys times a million for coming to Asheville! I hope you have a great trip back home and please stay in touch!

Here are their pictures from NY! and


The Final Session/Asheville Maternity Photographer

Tonight I did my final session until the fall.  I’m not quite sure how I ever thought I would be able to do sessions right up until my due date!  Laying on the ground to get good shots is one thing, but then I have to get up off of the ground.  lol  I loved everything about this session: the location, the fun clients, the overcast sky,….it was the perfect session!  It was fun doing a session with someone who was also out of breath walking up hills.  We had a ton of laughs at ourselves and each other.  I’m going to miss working, but I know that with 2 kids and a newborn, life as I know it is about to get all kinds of crazy!  So get ready to see lots of pictures of my own children for the next few months!  If you are interested in a fall session, I will probably be doing a few select sessions starting in October, so don’t wait to book a date.  They will go fast!

Time Flies/Asheville Baby and Family Photographer

This evening I did my second to last session before maternity leave.  I’m so happy that it was with this family!  I hadn’t seen their sweet baby girl since she was a newborn:  here and here.  She was still just as easy as she was 8 months ago.  We did their session at the Biltmore House, a place that I have been dying to do a session at.  And it was great because we were pretty much the only people around!  I had such a great evening with you guys.  I’m looking forward to seeing you guys again down the road!

Love her little fish face!  hehe

Photo of the Year Contest 2012!

So here it is again!  The Photo of the Year Contest is now up on Facebook!  If you have a photo up, be sure to get all of those that you know to vote for your picture on Facebook here:  by “liking” your picture!

*The contest ends on the evening of December 30th.

*The photo with the most “likes” will win the contest.

*The winner will win a free full session with me in 2013.  This session must take place before the second week of April.

*This may not include a newborn session.  Sorry.  🙁

Now here are the photos!  Get to voting.  There’s not much time!