Holiday Mini-Sessions/Asheville Family Photographer

I did holiday mini-sessions for families this past weekend and good golly it was so cold! By the end, I couldn’t feel my hands anymore!  My long johns kept the rest of me warm though.  The last time I wore those was when I was pregnant with River in NYC!  I had cut the elastic out of the waist to fit.  lol  I didn’t think I would ever wear those again but I sure am glad I had them this weekend.  These are the only two pictures that I can share right now since clients are using their pictures for their holiday cards but I will be adding more when it gets a little closer to Christmas.  And it’s getting close!  We are very excited here at the Lewis house!  Holidays with children are just amazing!  🙂





A Momma and Her Boys/Asheville Family and Child Photographer

I did pictures of these two boys yesterday and their momma.  Poor things both had colds and it was freezing so it wasn’t exactly their dream afternoon.  To top it off, it started raining towards the end of our session and we had a ways to walk to get back to the car.  But we got some cute pictures and they were happy once they were all bundled up.  Thanks for hanging out with me and being such troopers!  Next time, it’s going to be warm and sunny for us!

Twins/Asheville Child and Family Photographer

This evening I did a session with a family that had twin 6 year old boys.  These two boys were so awesome!  Most boys aren’t too crazy about having their picture taken, and a lot of times at the end of a session, the kids, boys and girls, are usually tired, cranky and headed towards meltdown city.  Not these two!  They were so much fun through their entire session!  I had a lot of  fun with you guys!  Here are two pictures that I noticed right away when I started editing.  So nice meeting you guys!


One Year!/Asheville Child and Family Photographer

Yesterday I did a one year session for a family that I did maternity pictures for. It’s so cool to me to meet a family while they are expecting their baby and then see them a year later with this really beautiful baby girl who is walking and has so much personality.  She was so full of smiles and was ready to be on the move.  Poor girl had a cold and at the end was ready to be done and all snuggled up in her car seat with her lovie.  Congratulations you guys on your amazing family!  I’m sure I’ll have more to share as I start editing so check back for more!