Here is the latest dress posted on the Etsy site! Soo cute! If you haven’t seen the others, scroll down the page. I took photos for a mother here in town that makes these precious dresses for little girls. They would make great birthday or holiday presents!
More Etsy!!
Here are two more dresses from the Etsy site that you MUST check out! I love these dresses and I must admit, I thought that they were going to be outrageously priced like most Etsy things that I’ve found, but no! So here are some more pictures that I took for this talented lady! Aren’t these two girls the most precious things you have ever seen? Made my job just a tad bit easy! 🙂
Look Who’s Getting Married!
A while back I met this woman when she came to buy something from me off of Craig’s List. We ended up standing around talking for a long time. I thought she was just an awesome person!! She saw my signature in my email and asked me about possibly doing photos for her later. I couldn’t wait! We were going to do 2 sessions, one with the kids and then engagement pictures the next weekend, but you know this crazy weather!! The day we had booked for the kids, it was freezing and raining! So we combined the two and it worked out great! I can’t wait to go through all of your pictures tonight, guys! Thanks for being so flexible and fun too!
I love it when women just know how to pose!

My Old Students
This morning I got to take pictures for a family who means the world to me! 2 of their daughters were in my class. The oldest was in my class for two years: kinder and first grade! She was even one of my flower girls when I got married. I just love them and LOVED doing photos for them. I usually get nervous before I do a session, even if I know the people, but not today. I was so excited. Not only to see them, but because we were at a place that I have been wanting to check out for a long time. I miss you guys and love you! I hope that you like your pictures. I only took about 200! Seriously. 😉
More Neighbors!
I have the best neighbors!! This morning I took pictures for some neighbors that I hadn’t met yet. How we haven’t met, I don’t know! They are one of the sweetest, most loving families. I love working with families! I love watching them interract and I love to see how they show affection towards each other. It’s one of the greatest things to see! I look forward to seeing these people more. I will tell you, their daughter is a real go-getter!! There is nothing stopping her. I see great things happening for her down the road. And their son!!! Oh my gosh, makes me want a boy so badly! Thank you guys for meeting up with me this morning!