Mya just turned 4 1/2. I wasn’t going to do pictures this time around because we just did some at the beach, but one day out of the blue when I told her that she would be 4 1/2 soon, she said, “Oh yay! That means we get to do pictures, right?” So I found a cute little outfit for her and have been holding onto it ever since. My sweet little client that I was supposed to do a session with today was sick so I thought this was the perfect day to do Mya’s pictures. I had to wake her up from her nap to get her ready since the sun is now down by 5:30 and she was not happy. I almost said, “Forget it,” but once I told her that we needed to get going before it got dark so that we could take her pictures, she was up and so happy! She was the cutest thing ever when we were out there. Every person that passed by, she said, “I’m 4 1/2! We’re doing pictures. This was my idea!” 😉 If you know my girl, you know that she is very outgoing and loves to talk to adults, much more than her semi-shy momma! And it just so happened that we went to a birthday party today so she wanted to bring her balloon, perfect! I love this girl more than I love Mexican food. Now that’s a whole heck of a lot. LOL Happy 1/2 birthday my sweet girl! You rocked it tonight!

Her face is just so perfect to me, so angelic. 🙂