A Momma and Her Boys/Asheville Family and Child Photographer

I did pictures of these two boys yesterday and their momma.  Poor things both had colds and it was freezing so it wasn’t exactly their dream afternoon.  To top it off, it started raining towards the end of our session and we had a ways to walk to get back to the car.  But we got some cute pictures and they were happy once they were all bundled up.  Thanks for hanging out with me and being such troopers!  Next time, it’s going to be warm and sunny for us!

Twins/Asheville Child and Family Photographer

This evening I did a session with a family that had twin 6 year old boys.  These two boys were so awesome!  Most boys aren’t too crazy about having their picture taken, and a lot of times at the end of a session, the kids, boys and girls, are usually tired, cranky and headed towards meltdown city.  Not these two!  They were so much fun through their entire session!  I had a lot of  fun with you guys!  Here are two pictures that I noticed right away when I started editing.  So nice meeting you guys!


Small Town Session/Asheville Family Photographer

This evening I did a session that I’ve really been looking forward to.  Some clients that I had done photos for in NY came to Asheville for a session!  I felt very honored that they chose me to do a session for them again and it was so wonderful to see them!  I hadn’t seen them since right before we moved away from NYC and it was so surreal to be hanging out with them here.  I first did pictures of their son when he was only 3 months old and now he’s almost 3 1/2!  It was so cool seeing him as a little boy.  He was such a sweet kid and I had so much fun goofing around with him.  Sometimes I think I click more with kids than I do adults.  lol  Thank you guys times a million for coming to Asheville! I hope you have a great trip back home and please stay in touch!

Here are their pictures from NY!  https://brandylewisphotography.com/2010/11/14/my-how-youve-grown-little-man/ and https://brandylewisphotography.com/2010/07/31/sweet-babymanhattan-baby-photographer/


Kindergarten!/Asheville Child Photographer

Mya started kindergarten recently!  I will be the first to admit that it broke my heart.  I finally had to stop being the one to take her because I teared up every time!  I’m kind of glad that the school won’t let us walk in anymore because now I don’t have to walk down those long halls and pretend like I don’t see the people I’m passing so that they can’t see the tears in my eyes. 😉  As a teacher, I never used to understand parents like me!  Now I totally get it!  I just can’t stop thinking about how she and I were buddies for 3 years before River was born. We learned how to meet friends together for playdates. We navigated our way around Manhattan together.  I learned how to be a parent with her.  We did everything together and we used to always tell each other that we were best friends!  So now I don’t have my buddy with me each day and it’s hard, for me and River. Poor thing, he just doesn’t know how to play without her. I feel so bad for him. But he is loving all of the attention that he gets from me.  We spend our mornings at home while Piper takes her morning nap learning letters, numbers, reading, doing puzzles and crafts.  He loves it and so do I.  But come 2:30, I’m very excited to see my other buddy!  I know this is going to be a great year for Mya.  We absolutely are thrilled with her teacher!  So my big girl, I miss you more than ever but am so happy to see you turn into your own little person!