3!/Asheville Child Photographer

My River is turning three next weekend.  I thought it would be fun to do his picture on the bridge where I’ve done his pictures the past two years:  see here and here.  Poor guy was so tired from his party this morning and was not into having his picture taken.  All he wanted to do was go into the creek and throw rocks with Mya.  😉  I love this little man to pieces.  He couldn’t possibly be any sweeter.  I’m the luckiest mom in the world to have him as my child!



More From Holiday Minis/Asheville Family Photographer

Christmas has come and gone and now I can show some more photos from our holiday mini-sessions.  This seems like a lifetime ago!  I am getting ready for my Valentine baby session coming up in two weeks and I can NOT wait!  I love doing those.  But for now, here are a few photos that I loved from last month!








Merry Christmas/Asheville Baby and Child Photographer

Happy holidays to all of you out there!  This year has been so amazing and I feel beyond blessed for all of the good that has come my way:  my 3 beautiful, healthy children, my very supportive and caring husband, all of the wonderful friends that I have made here, my family, we get to live in this gorgeous place, and on and on.  I don’t take a second of it for granted!  I look forward to another great year coming up!  I hope that your lives and hearts are full during this time of year and that you are with the ones that you love!






Holiday Mini-Sessions/Asheville Family Photographer

I did holiday mini-sessions for families this past weekend and good golly it was so cold! By the end, I couldn’t feel my hands anymore!  My long johns kept the rest of me warm though.  The last time I wore those was when I was pregnant with River in NYC!  I had cut the elastic out of the waist to fit.  lol  I didn’t think I would ever wear those again but I sure am glad I had them this weekend.  These are the only two pictures that I can share right now since clients are using their pictures for their holiday cards but I will be adding more when it gets a little closer to Christmas.  And it’s getting close!  We are very excited here at the Lewis house!  Holidays with children are just amazing!  🙂

