Leaves/Asheville Child Photographer

This evening we went to take some 18 month pictures of Piper.  With Mya and River I had these big plans of what we were going to do for their 18 month pictures and went all out.  I didn’t know what to do for Piper’s and have been putting it off, so this morning, before everyone got up, I laid in bed and thought to myself, “If a client asked me to find a great spot for a session for their 18 month old today, where would I take them?”  It finally dawned on me, to a colorful spot with lots of fall leaves!  And there are lots of those right in our neighborhood!  So we took the kids down the road and let them play in the leaves!  River had a great time!  I will be posting Piper’s pictures later this week, but I love this picture of River.  He’s such a boy!  He’s so wild, so full of energy, just like a puppy dog.  lol  But I love him more than words can even say!


Halloween/Asheville Child Photographer

Yesterday I took the kids to take their picture by my favorite spot in our neighborhood before all of the beautiful leaves fell.  We were almost too late, but I still love this picture so much.  Can you tell that someone kind of adores her brother?  So sweet!


Precious Girl!/Asheville Child Photographer, Asheville Family Photographer

Last weekend I did a session with a family that I’ve done a couple of sessions for before:  maternity when they were about to have their little girl and then again when she was around 1 year old.  Now she’s 2 and I can’t even believe what a difference a year makes!  She was a photographer’s dream!  She would stand and pose and give me the best smiles!  I loved hanging out with them and her!  I can’t wait to see their sweet baby boy coming up next month!  So here are a few of my favorites!






