Birthday Girl/Asheville Birthday Photographer

I did this sweet girl’s newborn pictures last year and her momma contacted me recently about doing birthday pictures, not knowing I was on maternity leave.  I just couldn’t turn down a session with this amazingly kind family!  They went through a lot with their baby girl and when I met them last year, I was blown away by how nice they were, so genuine and sweet!  I loved seeing them again today and getting to see this girl.  She’s so beautiful and maybe it’s my hormones, but I almost cried when they left.  I hope to see them again down the road!!  Here’s just one quick picture from today because I’ve got a hot date.  😉  It’s our 6th year anniversary!  More to come this week!  Thank you guys again!!

Happy 5th Birthday!/Asheville Child Photographer

I did Mya’s 5th birthday pictures last weekend.  She has become quite the little model these days. 😉  I love it!  She did have to take time in between pictures to catch tadpoles.  lol  I would have been fine with that if her Matilda Jane dress hadn’t cost an arm and a leg!  Happy 5th birthday to my little nature lovin’ Cinco de Mayo baby!!

Happy 2nd Birthday River!/Asheville Child Photographer

I can’t believe that my baby bear is turning 2 this week.  I feel like I just did his one year pictures.  Time went by way too quickly.  I love this little man more than I ever could have imagined.  I still can’t believe that I was so scared and worried about having a boy.  I love having a boy.  I love how he loves trains and dump trucks, and bull dozers.  I love watching him climb and jump and rough house.  And as much of a boy as he is, he is still the sweetest, most cuddly child on the planet.  I’ve never met a sweeter child, ever.  I love you so very much my little boy.  I sure hope that the next year goes a little more slowly.  🙁

I almost had to postpone these pictures.  Being the mom of the year that I am, I forgot to put sunscreen on him yesterday while we were out in the sun for the whole morning.  I guess spring is here and I need to start remembering.  On top of that, the balloons that I wanted to get from the party store couldn’t be gotten today.  The party store isn’t open on Sundays.  Boo!  But the weather was so perfect today, finally warm, so we had to take advantage of it!  I decided to do his pictures on the same bridge where I did his one year pictures.  I may do this every year, just for fun.  🙂

Photo of the Year Contest 2012!

So here it is again!  The Photo of the Year Contest is now up on Facebook!  If you have a photo up, be sure to get all of those that you know to vote for your picture on Facebook here:  by “liking” your picture!

*The contest ends on the evening of December 30th.

*The photo with the most “likes” will win the contest.

*The winner will win a free full session with me in 2013.  This session must take place before the second week of April.

*This may not include a newborn session.  Sorry.  🙁

Now here are the photos!  Get to voting.  There’s not much time!

I’m 1!/Asheville Baby Photographer

I haven’t done a cake smash in a while and was really excited about this one.  I’ve known this baby girl since she was in her momma’s tummy!  And now here she is one year old.  I loved doing this session because I love this age and think that cake smashes are so much fun!  This little girl was a huge fan of the cake and kept saying, “Mmmmmm.”  😉 But when she was done, she was DONE!  She wanted that icing off of her right then.  lol  Thank you guys for letting me do pictures for you again.  By the way, this momma is a cast member of many of the shows at the Flat Rock Playhouse and I hear she’s pretty darn talented.  If you’re feeling rather generous this holiday season, they are trying to raise money to keep the theater around.  Check out their link where you can donate:

This was after her much needed bath.  😉  I felt like a fool after I took this picture because her mom was singing to her and swaying with her and I just started crying!  Such a really precious moment and it tugged at my heart strings.  I blame all things on hormones right now, not the fact that I’m a sensitive Pisces.  😉