Look Who’s One!!

This afternoon I took pictures of this little guy!  He has the most amazing blue eyes I’ve ever seen and he was so easy going.  I had so much fun taking pictures of him!  I did learn a lesson today.  Wind and balloons don’t mix!  I showed up with 12 balloons and within 5 minutes, we were down to 1 and it flew away.  🙁  Thank goodness his parents were as easy going as he was!  I had a great time with you guys!!

Color?  Black and White?  Can't decide which one I like best!
Color? Black and White? Can't decide which one I like best!
Look at those eyes!!
Look at those eyes!!



Cake Time!!!
Cake Time!!!
Look at him go!
Look at him go!


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LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one!
7 balloons left!!



Happy Birthday, Na Na!

Today I got to take pictures of Little Miss Juliana for her birthday!  Mya calls Juliananana2 Na Na, so cute!  We love you Na Na!  Happy birthday!nana


Mya’s 1st Birthday Cake-Austin Child Photographer

We let Mya have a birthday cake today so that I could take her pictures, and oh my gosh!!  She is crazy over cake!  I thought she would just take a few bites and be done, but no!  She tore the cake up and ate about 2/3 of it.  I was so afraid that she was going to get sick, but so far so good, just a major sugar high!  This first one has a bit of a retro feel, so don’t adjust that monitor!  😉myabday




