Jet is 1!/Asheville Baby Photographer

This afternoon I got to do birthday photos of this little man.  He was the easiest little one year old I’ve worked with so far!  He was so in love with his balloons and just smiled and laughed so easily.  Poor thing handled this freak weather so well too.  It was pretty cold but he toughed it out and had a great time.  I loved this session and couldn’t wait to get home and get to work on editing!  Happy birthday sweet little guy!



His momma made this adorable cake like an orange from The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  I thought it was cute until Jet got to the middle and I discovered that it was blue, orange and blue.  Gator colors!  Yep, his momma is a Gator and well, if you don’t know, us Seminoles have a rivalry with the Gators.  Not nice.  No, not nice at all.  🙂

