6 Years Old/Asheville Child Photographer

I have a 6 year old.  Wait, I have a what?  A 6 year old??  That makes me feel old!  So yes, we have two girls whose birthdays are less than a week apart….kinda stressful, indeed!  Mya is turning 6 on Monday so I took her with me to take some birthday pictures.  She was SO cute!  She was posing like I’ve never seen her.  It was adorable and we had so much fun together.  I’m not sure we’ve gone anywhere with just the two of us since Piper was born.  She loved it and kept saying I was the greatest, funnest mom ever.  🙂  I love this girl, even on days when she makes me feel like pulling my hair out.  This is a great age and I kind of wish I could freeze her just the way she is right now.  So happy 6th birthday (almost) to my oldest!  I love you my sweet pea!





