A very dear friend of mine had her baby boy, Crosby. It’s funny, but the way that she told me she was pregnant was by asking, “So how can I book a newborn session?” hehe This baby boy was wanted by this family for so long so when he came to be, I was thrilled for them! The night that mom went into labor, I barely slept and when I did, I had dreams about her and Crosby. The next morning, her husband sent me a picture of her holding Crosby in the tub and the look on her face was pure joy. I am not sure I have ever cried so many happy tears, except with my own babies. I am so very happy for this family and I loved every second of this session. I loved how much mom was so in love with her little boy and how she just got the biggest smiles on her face when she looked at him in different poses or when he made cute little noises or smiled. I loved how dad was so natural with him when I posed them together. And big sister, I knew she was going to be awesome, because she always is. She likes to take her pictures quickly and then run out to go play but the time that she gives me, she just poses and it’s so cute! Thank you guys so much for allowing me to capture this sweet little man. I read that grandma said that he had already grown, just since birth! They grow up fast. It’s no lie. Soak it all in. Before we all know it, he’s going to be running around with the big kids! I love you guys!! xoxo