Sleeping Beauty!/Asheville Newborn Photographer

I had the greatest session today with this beautiful baby girl.  She was the sleepiest newborn I’ve photographed yet.  She slept through almost her entire session.  She was a dream.  I loved her parents too, so easy-going and they were such a great pair of parents!  Lack of sleep sure takes some getting used to, but these two were still so cheerful.  I loved everything about this session!  I am having a hard time not sharing every photo that I edit but I’m going to restrain myself until later in the week when mom and dad get their gallery!  Congratulations you guys!  She is so, so beautiful!





4 Years Old!/Asheville Child Photographer

I can’t believe I’m typing this.  River is turning 4!  In some ways I’m having a hard time with him growing up so quickly, but in other ways, it’s kind of nice.  He had a VERY long case of the terrible two’s.  lol  He’s finally out of that phase, thank God.  So now we can have our sweet little boy back.  And he really is so sweet.  Sometimes I just can’t even believe how lucky we are to have such a kind, caring, amazing little boy.  I would be okay with time slowing down now because before we know it, he’s going to be off to kindergarten and that I can’t handle.  That will not be a happy day for me.  My husband has already said that I’m not allowed to take him on the first day.  hehe When my kids have birthdays, I can’t help but think back to the day they were born.  I’ll never forget the absolute joy that I felt the minute they put River on my chest.  It was like nothing I had ever experienced.  He has been a huge light in our lives ever since.  I would do anything to go back and relive that early morning, okay maybe not the pain of it because good golly he was a big baby.  lol  But that moment when I first met him was a memory that will stay with me forever.  I was so sleep deprived by the time he finally made it into the world but I felt like I was on cloud nine for a few days.  He made me so very happy!  Okay, I have to stop typing all of this or I’m going to be wanting another baby.  So happy, happy day to my beautiful little Pisces!


Getting River to this spot was kind of tricky.  I had to get the crate in the water, and then carry him over and get him sat down and then go find a good spot to stand to take his picture.  As soon as I got to where I was going to stand, he said he had to pee!  What?!  lol



I’ve taken his picture on this bridge every year since his first birthday.  It’s not my favorite spot but I had to do it for old time’s sake!


“Are we done now?  Can I throw rocks in the water now?”  Boys!



Turning 1!/Asheville Baby Photographer

Mom and dad have gotten their gallery so I wanted to share a few, okay maybe a lot more from this past weekend!  I loved this session!  The family, the scenery, the weather, the smiley, happy children!  It was perfect and refreshing to do a family session again!  (I do family sessions still for families that I’ve done sessions for in the past.)










The Sweetest Family/Asheville Baby Photographer

This weekend I got to see this super sweet family!  I met them almost a year ago when I did their son’s newborn pictures.  I loved that session.  They were just the most amazing family, full of love, patience and I’ll never forget their daughter making me tear up when she said that she and her mom were “best friends”.  I was so excited to see them and see how much their little man had grown.  The weather didn’t cooperate for us on our scheduled date but this past weekend it was actually really warm!  I showed up wearing 5 layers, a scarf, my hat and ended up having to take everything off!  Things were perfect and it was so great to see this family!  Happy almost first birthday little Henry!  Continue to smile and be as happy as you are always buddy!



