Cheeks/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This baby girl was so big and chunky. I love bigger babies! And she looked so adorable in this little outfit that her parents brought! Business has been crazy busy lately with so many babies being born! I’m not sure what was going on 9-10 months ago!! This time of year can be slow and always has been but not this year! I’m okay with that! It is nice to get back to being exclusively a newborn baby photographer! I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year! Every time I write “2023”, I have to look again because it just doesn’t look right yet! lol I’m looking forward to a really great year meeting so many new families! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)

Beautiful Neutrals/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I loved so much about this session. I love when families request all neutrals. As soon as I get color choices from families, my mind just starts creating. My favorite thing to do is to go into my studio and start pulling out fabrics and props and putting them all together. Lately I’ve been perusing the aisles of craft stores looking for inspiration for new setups. I could spend way too much money in this way! Happy new year to you all! I hope your holidays were spent with those that you love and your new year is off to a great start! I definitely am focusing on getting back to my healthy eating habits after a month of way too much dessert and taking time to be present and in the moment. It can be hard in this world, but it’s important to take time to clear your mind and just be! Happy 2023! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)

Wide Awake/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This little man was wide awake for the first part of his session. He did finally go to sleep but it took him a while! In the meantime, I got a lot of adorable photos with his eyes open! This seems to be the season of awake babies! Cold days can be that way for some reason, I’ve discovered from years past! This little guy made really great eye contact! Look at how cute he is!! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)

Fall Colors/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This family! They are just the sweetest family. I love getting to see them each year! The parents are some of the kindest people I know and their two children are just adorable together! I loved this location so much! Mom picked it out since it’s right down the road from their home and it was beautiful! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)

Easy Peasy/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I’ve known this family for quite some time but started photographing them a few years ago. I love doing sessions with them because they are just so easy. Their daughter is the perfect little model and loves to be in front of the camera, making my job super easy! Mom always picks out the perfect clothes for their sessions! This dress was so twirly and the colors were just amazing! It was the perfect evening! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)