Austin/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Back in the fall we spent a month in Austin, TX.  I set up some mini-sessions while I was there and it was so great to see these families again!!  I have known these moms for many, many years so it was so cool to get to meet and see their kids, some of which I hadn’t seen in a long time!  We are looking forward to our next trip back out there!  We will probably never have the opportunity to spend that much time but I’m so glad that opportunity was there, thanks to COVID and virtual school!

Winter Babies/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I had to share a few more from this wrapped session.  I loved this baby boy’s red hair with the green….just perfect!  I’m looking forward to my next wrapped session.  These have become some of my favorite sessions.  The babies are so content and happy all wrapped up and it’s perfect for this cold winter weather that we are having!

Baby Emmett/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This was one of my wrapped sessions that I am offering right now.   This baby boy was SO cute with his red hair!  His mom let me know that he had a woodland themed nursery and I loved putting colors and things together for that!   I just love these sessions.  They take just over an hour and the babies love them!!