This baby boy was just perfect. He was so calm and slept through his entire session. I loved meeting him and his family. His momma and daddy were also so easy-going and make a great team taking care of their new boy. I love when dads come to the session and are just as involved and loving as the moms. This little guy is so very loved! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)
This sage color has become quite popular lately with my newborn sessions and I love it! It’s a great color for baby girls and boys! This baby boy was just perfect! He was so sleepy and his session was done in record time! I hope you are sleeping well little man! I have so many sessions coming up. Business has really taken off and I couldn’t be happier. It’s been a slow two years with COVID but the babies are returning and I’m loving meeting so many new families! I have one date left in September, October is full and I have a few dates open in November. I am getting back to only doing newborn and sitter (6 month) sessions because that is my passion but have set up just a few family sessions for former clients this year. If you are pregnant and due in November and beyond, please don’t wait to book! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)
This in-home session was with a slightly older baby girl due to some circumstances that were out of our control. I’m used to brand new newborns so she seemed so big! But the session was great. I just loved this family and big sister was adorable! Every time I go to an in-home session, it makes me want to go home and redecorate our house! lol I hope you are doing well girls! I bet you are both growing so fast! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)
I just love this family so much and couldn’t wait to meet their new baby boy! They photograph so easily, probably because mom is an amazing photographer and they are all used to having their photos taken. This little man has already grown so much that it blows my mind! He sure is loved so much by his sister and his parents. I can’t wait to watch him grow up! I’m back to work full time starting next week now that my kids will be back in school. I’m so ready to get back to a routine and a schedule and to meet lots of new families! Business has picked up so much lately. I can barely keep up with the inquiries but it’s good!! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)
I just love this family so much and was so excited to hear that their family was growing and even more excited to hear that they were having another baby girl! This girl is so beautiful just like her sisters! I’ve loved getting to know this family. I met them in 2020 when I started doing outdoor photos for families and have done a couple more sessions for them since. I love outdoor newborn photos so much! We live in such a beautiful place! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)