Wee Little One/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Since mom and dad got their gallery and purchased their downloads, I wanted to share a few more from my last session.  Is this baby boy not the cutest thing ever?!  I think I did kiss his little feet at one point during his session when mom handed him over to me.  Maybe that’s weird?  But I just couldn’t help myself!  I do love these babies!








Tiny Man/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Earlier this week I met this tiny baby boy.  He was the tiniest baby I’ve photographed so far and one of the best sleepers!  He was such a dream!  His parents were so sweet too.  I loved chatting with them!  After the session was over and they left, I said out loud to myself, “Wow, that was awesome!”  lol  And it was and made me remember why I chose to specialize in newborn photography:  the beautiful families, the sweet babies.  I love every second of it!






Cake Smash!/Asheville Baby Photographer

This morning I did my last cake smash for a while.  I love cake smashes but it’s just too hard to turn my studio completely around one day for a cake smash and then back for a newborn session the next day.  🙁  When I win the lottery and have one of those big store fronts down in Biltmore Park Town Square, then I can do whatever, whenever, right?!  But for now, it’s just going to be newborns from here on out for a while.

This family was so sweet and you could tell that this little man was the center of their universe.  They were so nurturing, calm, and loving with him.  He is one lucky little guy!

Thank you guys for allowing me to do little man’s first birthday pictures.  It really was a lot of fun!  You guys were awesome!






Eyelashes?!  Holy moly!  I had to get a photo of those babies!  I know lots of girls that would die for those!




Precious Little One/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I wanted to share a few more from this beautiful baby girl’s session.  Lately most parents have been buying all of their downloads from their sessions.  My husband is thankful that I’m now bringing in an income to help support our family, but for me, it’s gratifying knowing that the clients love their photos enough to want to buy them all.  It makes my heart feel happy to know that I didn’t just waste all of those hours and days editing every single picture.  It makes me feel happy to know that all of the pounds that I’ve gained from sitting and editing so much lately are not for nothing.  lol  Yeah, I’m on top of that one!  You won’t catch me standing on the side of the trampoline watching the kids anymore.  Broken rib or not, I’m right there with ’em!  hehe  Thank you clients who see the beauty in the photos that I create and take the time to say “Thank you!”  It means a lot to me!







My Last Family Session/Asheville Baby Photographer

Yesterday I met up with this sweet family to take picture of their precious, little, almost 2 year old, girl.  Somehow I mistakenly read her birthdate wrong when mom first emailed me back in October, and thought she was going to be about 9 1/2 months old.  When she got out of the car, I kept looking at her thinking she was the biggest baby I had ever seen.  lol  Turns out, I had it all wrong and she’s going to be 2 soon!  Oh my.  Ever have those moments where you want to crawl under a bush and hide for a while?  Yeah, me neither.  On top of that, we ended up getting kicked out of the two spots that we went to because we weren’t allowed to just pull off into the grass like we did, which is something that in my 6 1/2 years of doing photography, has never happened!  Thank goodness the second time, we were heading to the car.  I’m kind of glad that I won’t have to be worrying about that anymore since my sessions will now be in my studio!  But it was well worth it because our location looks so beautiful in the photos.  I loved this session so much.  I loved this little girl.  She wanted to be the only one in her pictures and just sat so perfectly still.  She wanted me to hold her and carry her when we would walk to a new spot…..I almost melted into the ground.  I love that she felt that comfortable with me!  Thank you guys again for keeping your cool when security showed up and for being so easy-going!


