Little Girls/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This in-home session was with a slightly older baby girl due to some circumstances that were out of our control. I’m used to brand new newborns so she seemed so big! But the session was great. I just loved this family and big sister was adorable! Every time I go to an in-home session, it makes me want to go home and redecorate our house! lol I hope you are doing well girls! I bet you are both growing so fast! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)

Sweet Family/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I just love this family so much and couldn’t wait to meet their new baby boy! They photograph so easily, probably because mom is an amazing photographer and they are all used to having their photos taken. This little man has already grown so much that it blows my mind! He sure is loved so much by his sister and his parents. I can’t wait to watch him grow up! I’m back to work full time starting next week now that my kids will be back in school. I’m so ready to get back to a routine and a schedule and to meet lots of new families! Business has picked up so much lately. I can barely keep up with the inquiries but it’s good!! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)

Flowers and Babies/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I just love this family so much and was so excited to hear that their family was growing and even more excited to hear that they were having another baby girl! This girl is so beautiful just like her sisters! I’ve loved getting to know this family. I met them in 2020 when I started doing outdoor photos for families and have done a couple more sessions for them since. I love outdoor newborn photos so much! We live in such a beautiful place! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)

Baby Sophie/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This family was so beautiful! Their new baby girl was older than my typical newborn so I wasn’t sure what to expect. She got sleepy right after we started but did really great and slept in her momma’s arms. I just love the colors and patterns that this mom put together for their session. Everything was just perfect! I hope you guys are doing well!! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)

Nature in Studio/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This momma described her baby boy’s nursery to me in an email and I couldn’t wait to put some things together to match. When the dad walked into the studio, he said it looked like the mom had put the props together. lol That was my goal, to create some things that she would love! The smell of the eucalyptus in the studio was so nice! I loved meeting you little guy! You are a dream! ~Brandy Lewis (Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer)