Holy Smokes!!

Wow, I just wanted to say a big, huge THANK YOU to all past clients!!  I can’t believe how many new clients I have gotten because they were referred by previous clients.  Thank all of you for telling your friends and family about me and my business.  I have filled up all of September, October and November now!  I am even doing more sessions than I normally do just so that I can do photos for those who are wanting them before the holidays.  I feel so lucky to get to take photos of such awesome people!!  You ROCK!

More Neighbors!

I have the best neighbors!!  This morning I took pictures for some neighbors that I hadn’t met yet.  How we haven’t met, I don’t know!  They are one of the sweetest, most loving families.  I love working with families!  I love watching them interract and I love to see how they show affection towards each other.  It’s one of the greatest things to see!  I look forward to seeing these people more.  I will tell you, their daughter is a real go-getter!!  There is nothing stopping her.  I see great things happening for her down the road.  And their son!!!  Oh my gosh, makes me want a boy so badly!  Thank you guys for meeting up with me this morning!  site10site9site8site7site6site5site2site4


Sweet Carolina Girl

This week we have been in Asheville, N.C. on vacation.  I got the opportunity to take pictures for a loooong lost friend!  We were friends in the 4th grade and she found me on Facebook.  She said that she wished that I lived closer so that I could take pictures of her daughter.  As it turned out, I was going to be in Asheville not too long after that so we set up a time and day and today we got to meet again after 23 years!  And I feel so lucky because her daugther was the PERFECT little model, so sweet!!  I felt like I’ve known her her whole life and I was kind of sad to say, “Goodbye.”  🙁  I will definitely be keeping up with them on Facebook from now on!  Sorry for the number of pictures.  I just love the ones with the umbrella and couldn’t choose!chesnee11




Sweet Babies

Tonight I got to take pictures for my neighbors.  I took pictures of their twins when they were born and now here they are nearly 4 months old!  They are the cutest, sweetest little things and I LOVED photographing them.  Thank you guys for letting me capture them again!site8site7site6


Filling up!!

I just realized that I only have 2 dates left for sessions for September and one for October.  If you are inerested in a holiday session, now is the time to book it!!