Rain, Rain/Asheville Family Photographer

Sometimes I feel like the universe is working against me and some clients.  This family had a session scheduled a while back but we had to reschedule because their oldest son scraped his face up pretty badly at school.  We finally got to do the session tonight and half way through, it started pouring.  🙁  I still got some great shots and can’t wait to finish up our session tomorrow!  On my way home, it stopped raining and this most amazing rainbow came out just as I was coming out of the grocery store!  I had to call home to tell Ryder to wake Mya up so that she could see it.  I just couldn’t keep it to myself.  Of course my phone picture doesn’t even begin to really show how magnificent it was!  Everyone in the parking lot was taking pictures and oohing and aahing.  Something about rainbows just leaves you feeling so happy and at peace.  I couldn’t wait to get home to put River to bed.  🙂  Man, I love my life!  So stay tuned for more of this family coming up tomorrow!

I just loved this little boy.  One year old is the best age!

This little guy was a ton of fun and kept me on my toes!  He was full of energy!


Just Perfect/Asheville Maternity Photographer

Every time I do a session, I think that those are my favorite clients.  But now today, these people are my favorites.  😉  Actually, I have loved all of my clients, here, there, and everywhere.  This couple was just SO much fun!  They had me laughing and laughing, and didn’t even make me feel stupid when I did the most unprofessional thing ever!  I called the dad the wrong name.  Oh my.  My face has never been so hot!  But they laughed and it was all good.  Whew!  And it’s pretty cool that this momma is also a Seminole!  Can’t have too many of those here since there seems to be a huge number of Florida Gators in Asheville.  Can I just say that this baby girl is going to be a beauty?!  Thank you guys for the perfect, easiest session.  Congratulations on your soon-to-be baby girl!

The Easiest Baby/Asheville Newborn Photographer

This afternoon I did photos of the easiest baby I think I’ve ever met.  Usually with newborns, the session starts and an hour later, we’re still “shhhhsh’ing” and rocking, swaying, feeding, and just trying to get the baby to sleep, but not today.  This baby girl was ready to sleep right away!  I was very impressed.  And she sleeps so much at night, rarely cries and sleeps in the car?  I’d say these parents just had an angel!  I loved this session today, that is, until I heard my daughter screaming her head off downstairs because her beloved Papa Bear was missing.  Oh gracious.  Maybe I need an out-of-home studio?  When I win the lottery!  😉  Thank you guys for being so patient and easy today.  (I had a really hard time picking some to share.  I am in love with them all!)

These parents wanted some outdoor photos which I love, but it scared me a little.  Our yard isn’t exactly a flower garden.  But with a little bit of looking around, I actually found some spots that worked and my neighbor was also kind enough to let us borrow their flowers too.  Next spring, our yard is going to be a photographer’s dream!  😉