Sweet Boy/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This little guy was so sweet and made such good eye contact. I love this first neutral color so much. It works with boys and girls and is a timeless color, along with creams and whites.

It was so wonderful to meet him and his family. He sure is loved, not only by his mom and dad but his incredible aunt too! It makes me wish I had been around more to see my nephew grow up. He was born just before I moved away to go to college. Now he’s in his 20’s! Time flies. Soak it all up! I bet this baby boy is already so much bigger, just in this short time!

It’s crazy to see babies that I’ve done newborn photos for, all grown up, some are pre-teens now! It makes me realize how quickly my own kids are growing up. It’s so awesome to see them turn into the little people that they are but also it makes me really sad. While at Target the other day, I saw all of the baby clothes and toys and I just felt a knot in my stomach, wishing I could go back to those days, just for one day! I don’t miss the tantrums or the lack of sleep but I miss them crawling around, playing in the playroom and their snuggles. I’ll just hold out for grand babies, many years from now! lol

So Sweet/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This little baby boy! Oh my gosh! He’s just so perfectly sweet! I loved getting to use this little sleepy cap because I hadn’t used it in a long time! He looked so adorable in it! I can’t express in words how nice it has been to be back in the studio, meeting new families and their new babies! I’m excited to meet lots of new families this year! *I am now offering studio, in-home and outdoor newborn sessions! I am also offering 6 month studio and outdoor sessions as well as mini outdoor cake smashes! Please don’t wait to book! My dates throughout the summer are limited since we will be traveling and our kids are out of school!

Beautiful Baby Girl/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I loved this session and the colors that this baby girl’s mom and dad chose. This burnt orange is usually something I hold for the fall but who says you have to follow rules?! It looked so beautiful with this baby girl’s skin tone. She was a small girl but looked so much bigger than I was expecting! She’s just perfect in every way! Spring is getting closer and I’m looking forward to doing my outdoor newborn sessions again! I love the studio but being able to incorporate nature and so many textures and colors is what I love! To book a session, email me at brandynicole77@gmail.com!

Sitter Session/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I did newborn photos for this sweet girl’s big brother so it was so cool to get to meet her!  She was adorable!!!  And she was strong!  She wasn’t totally sitting up on her own yet but she wanted to move all over the place.  Her momma was such a great help during her session making sure she was safe!  I am looking forward to more sitter/6 month sessions!  They are so much fun!

Mini-Sessions/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I am going to be doing some mini-sessions coming up in a couple of weeks!  These will be for all ages and families and will be socially distanced and contactless!  I’m so excited to get to do some work again.  If these go well, I may start offering these sessions often!  I’m missing working with you all so much!!  🙁