Holiday Mini-Sessions!/Asheville Family Photographer

So I’ve been debating about whether or not I wanted to do mini-sessions for the holidays.  It’s not something I’ve ever done because I usually like spending a long time with just one family, taking our time, getting some good shots and then going home to work on their pictures.  And then I started looking on-line for a photographer to do a session for my own family.  Wow!  It’s hard!  Everyone that I found that I just loved ended up costing  a fortune or they were already booked.  Luckily, one of my favorite photographers in town was able to fit us in!  I’m so, so happy, but now I know how it feels to really want photos done of your family and you can’t find anyone who isn’t booked or who doesn’t cost half a year’s salary!  So I changed my mind and decided that I am going to do mini-sessions, to make it affordable for everyone and so that families who want photos for their holiday cards, can have them in time.  I am only doing a small number of these since it’s adding to the sessions that I already had booked for the year, so if you want to do one of these sessions, please don’t wait to email me because I just hate turning people down when I’m too booked.  🙂

*The sessions will be on the afternoon of December 2nd, starting at 3:00.  Each family will get 20 minutes.  We will get as many shots as we can during this time, but you are guaranteed at least 3-5 photos that will be touched up and edited.

*You will be able to download all of your original sized photos straight to your computer, at no extra cost.  (These can be printed as large as you like!)

*This is only for parents and children.  There will be a $15 charge for additional people.  (Please no pets since our time is limited.)

*The focus of these sessions will be on getting good family shots, but if there is extra time, we can get photos of just the kids or of mom/dad with the children or just mom and dad.

*The cost for this sessions is $100 and includes all of your original sized downloads.  Payment is due at booking to hold your spot.

*These will be held at the UNCA Botanical Gardens.

Email me or leave a comment here if you would like one of these sessions!  We will be going to TX for Thanksgiving, so if it takes me a few hours to get back to you, don’t worry, I will get back to you as soon as I can!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

The Lewis Bunch!

So, yes, we’ve gone crazy and have decided to add another Lewis to the “bunch”.  😉  We’re very excited but I won’t lie, we’re very nervous too!  I think we just finally figured out two.  lol  But like my mom always says, my favorite phrase has always been, “I’m bored!”  Gotta add something to life to keep me and my ADD self on my toes.  haha  In all seriousness, we feel very blessed to be able to have another baby and can’t wait to meet this new little one!  So if I have gagged at your session or have looked a little frumpy, it’s just that first trimester fun happening.  😉

Spring is Coming!/Asheville Family Photographer

Warm weather is slowly getting here and I couldn’t be happier.  I love that here, trees bloom with all different colors of flowers.  It’s just breathtaking!  So I’m very excited to be able to get out and do my sessions outside again!  (Of course newborn and baby pictures can still be in my studio or in your home.)  If you are wanting a session this coming year, NOW is the time to book it.  Dates are filling in and I only do a small number of sessions per month so that I have more time with my family.  🙂  Can’t wait to find new locations and meet lots of new families this year!  If you are interested in a session, just drop me an email: and I’ll get back to you!

Maternity Pictures

Last weekend was our last weekend in NYC and it was also the weekend that we did our family/maternity pictures.  It was sooooo cold!!!!  Mya was not a fan of the frigid weather and neither were my fingers.  😉  I have to give a huge thank you to Angela at for doing these beautiful pictures for us!  All of you New Yorkers looking for a new family photographer, check her out!