Session Fee Change/Asheville Family Photographer

**Update July 15th:  Had a cancellation!  One spot left!  First to email me gets the 1/2 off session! 

**Update!  July 13:  All 5 spots have now been taken!  That was quick!  Thank you to all that booked a session!  I look forward to working with you!

I am doing something special that I haven’t done before.  The next 5 clients that book a session for this year will be getting their session fee marked down to $60!  That’s half of the normal sitting fee of $120!

*This session must take place in the year 2011.

*Please see available dates under “Contact and Pricing”.

*The $60 will be nonrefundable in the form of a deposit which must be received by me no later than one week after booking your session in order to hold your date.

*This does not include prints.  Print prices are also under “Contact and Pricing”.

Now get to bookin’!

Whirled Peas

Today we went to Central Park just to walk around because it’s such a beautiful day and because Mya just loves to pick up leaves, acorns, sticks,…;)  We totally forgot that today would have been John Lennon’s 70th birthday and there was a big celebration going on in Strawberry Fields.  People were playing music and everyone was singing along.  They sang, “You’ve got to hide your love away….” and I was singing along.  Mya looked at me and said, “Momma, why is he hiding?”  hehe  Happy birthday to an amazing songwriter who changed music forever!  You are missed!

It’s Not You, It’s Me!

My friend, Brandy and I have been talking about trading a session for a while.  Well, tonight was the last possible night.  Tomorrow she leaves for California and on Saturday, we’re off to N.Y.  I wanted some pictures showing a little bit of N.Y., hence the apple.  😉  I’ve got some cute pictures for her!  Can’t wait to share those, hopefully tomorrow.  (We traded RAW files so that we could do with them what we wanted.  So of course I had to add a vintage touch to mine.)  This move is in high gear.  We are down to the wire!  We are selling my car tomorrow.  And yes, I have cried over it.  I love my car!!  It’s the only car that I’ve ever owned that I really just loved.  It makes me a little sad to see it go.  But I won’t need it when we move. I know that!  We have one thing left to sell, our TV!  And now we have to figure out how to fit everything else that is left in our house into 3 suitcases.  Just a tad bit stressful.  In most moves you can move your things out and then go back and make sure you got it all.  Not this time.  We had the movers come last week, and now we pack our suitcases and hop on a plane.  Whewee!  So why has my stomach been hurting so much?  lol  Thank you so much, Brandy, for doing pictures for me.  I can’t wait to post yours!  So check back tomorrow.  For now, it’s bedtime!

Tree in Winter

“Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while so that we can see life with a clear view again.”  –Alex Tan

Road Warriorette

This evening I took pictures for Ryder’s cousin, Sarah.  She has a great blog that documents her travels because the girl travels A LOT!!  It’s a cool blog to read for traveling tips for a girl on the go!  Check it out here!  She is about to move her blog to a new host site and needed some pictures for it.  So here are some that we took.