New Lowered Session Fee

For a limited time, I have lowered my session fee from $250 to $176!!  This is a great deal!  This will only be around for a short time.  🙂

And the winner is……

Christina!!!  I almost missed your comment!!!  That was quick.  I thought this might go on for a few days.  The answer?

Betsey Johnson!!  I love her but nope, I don’t have any of her clothes.  So Christina, email me and we can set up your free session!!!  Yay!!  Thank you everyone for participating!  That was fun!

Let the Games Begin

Okay, I thought I would have a little contest for some fun!  The first person to guess my favorite designer will get a FREE session with me (a $250 value)!

Here are the rules:  This session must be used by July 31st and must be in the Manhattan area.  This does not include prints or the free 8×10 canvas that is being given to the first 5 NY clients.  Guesses need to be left as a comment on this post.  You can guess as many times as you would like.  As soon as someone gets it right, the contest is over and I will put up the winner!

Here’s a hint:  I don’t own any of her clothes because let’s face it, I’m not a millionaire.  😉  And yes, I said “her”.  And her name has a “t” in it.

Good luck!

1 Week and 2 Days

In one week and 2 days, we will be flying out to our new home in N.Y.!  We are so ready and excited.  We found an apartment in the Upper West Side which was much harder and stressful than we thought it would be.  It was so stressful in fact that my stomach has been in knots since last Saturday.  Ryder even has  a zit!  He never gets those.  (He’s going to be so mad at me for talking about that.)  We finally got news that we were approved for our second choice apartment.  Whew!  Finally!  I was starting to wonder if we were really going to be homeless because we HAVE to be out of our house on the 15th, no ifs, ands or buts!  The apartment is not at all what we were hoping to find, but hey, at this point, I will live in a box on Broadway if I have to just to be in the city that I love!  We can’t wait to take Mya!!  She is going to love it just as much as we do.  We got her a new stroller this week.  It’s so cool and weird at the same time.  We saw tons of them while in N.Y.  It converts into a double stroller which we hope to be using about this time next year!  I love the color of it and it’s supposedly light-weight and easy to fold up.  We’ll see about that.  I may need to start lifting some weights to be able to get down all of the stairs for the subway while holding a 2 year old and this stroller!  Did I mention that that is my biggest worry about living there?  lol  While there we walked all over Central Park since we had only seen about 20 seconds of it before, back in February.  It was so beautiful.  I love it and am so beyond excited to do photo sessions there.  New Yorkers, book me!  I need to be in that park with my camera!  😉  I saw a photographer there doing a session with a family and I was so jealous.  I know that business will start up soon, but it’s hard when things have been so great and easy here.  I’ve never had to advertise.  I have business cards, but I’ve hardly given them to anyone.  I guess now would be the time!  We are so excited to be out of the suburbs.  Not sure why we thought that this was the life that we wanted:  big, new house, SUV, 2 children, quiet, cookie cutter neighborhood….not for us.  I want to be able to walk out our front door and be in the middle of it all!  This quiet, peaceful place is killing me!  I can’t stand it.  I don’t like going in our back yard because it’s just too quiet.  I miss the neighbors from next door who had 6 kids!  At least then there was some sort of noise.  Every time I hear a siren now I get so excited!  😉  Silly, I know, but I’m just ready to be in the big city.  I don’t think we’ll ever leave once we get there and figure it all out.

This weekend is my last and final Austin photo session and I can’t wait!!!  So look out for them.  I know it’s going to be great!  Here’s a picture of Central Park that I took while we were there.  Isn’t is amazing?  So green and dare I say, peaceful.  LOL

New Dates

Okay, so after meeting with the realtor yesterday about our house, we decided that we need to step up on the money saving!  Soooo, for that reason I am going to be opening up some more dates for sessions.  The following dates are now open:

March:  7th morning or eveing, the evening of the 13th, the evening of the 20th

April:  18th morning or evening, 24th morning or evening

May: Morning or evening of the 2nd, 16th, 22nd, 23rd, 29th and 30th

Remember, dates fill in VERY fast!  If you want one of these dates, please email me ASAP!!