Sweet Family/Asheville Newborn Photographer

A mom from River’s preschool contacted me a couple of weeks ago looking to do newborn pictures of their soon-to-be baby.  She just happened to see my email address on an email that the teacher sent out and decided to look me up.  I’m so glad she did.  These people are such a sweet family!  I loved, loved, loved doing their session!  We did one in the morning in my studio and then one later in the evening outdoors.  I was sad to learn today that they are moving tomorrow.  I love staying in contact with my newborn families and watching the babies grow (usually through facebook and future sessions).  I won’t get to do that with this sweet little man and it made me rather sad at the end of the evening.  🙁  Somehow just in the short time that I work with these babies, I fall a little bit in love with them.  I hope to see this family again when they come back to Asheville.  So here are a few of my favorites!





Break My Heart/Asheville Newborn Photographer

This morning I did a session with the sweetest baby boy, but when he cried, it broke my heart.  It was the saddest little cry.  Usually when a baby fusses when I’m posing them, I can get them to go right back to sleep right where they are, but when he did that sad little cry, I just had to pick him up.  I didn’t mind a little extra snuggle time with this little guy.  He was precious and I’m so glad I was able to do this last minute session for this super sweet family!



Because they’re all so darn cute!/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I could share this entire session!  I love this baby’s photos so much!  He was a dream too, not a peep from him.  If he fussed at all, it was for a second and I could soothe him right back to sleep.  Oh heavenly boy!




I always try to get photos of the parents with their new little one.  A lot of times new moms don’t feel their best and don’t want their picture taken but look how beautiful!  I wish I had one of these with all my kids.


This little man is going to grow up so fast.  How cool will it be for this dad to look back at this picture of his tiny little man 20 years from now?
