More From Holiday Minis/Asheville Family Photographer

Christmas has come and gone and now I can show some more photos from our holiday mini-sessions.  This seems like a lifetime ago!  I am getting ready for my Valentine baby session coming up in two weeks and I can NOT wait!  I love doing those.  But for now, here are a few photos that I loved from last month!








Merry Christmas/Asheville Baby and Child Photographer

Happy holidays to all of you out there!  This year has been so amazing and I feel beyond blessed for all of the good that has come my way:  my 3 beautiful, healthy children, my very supportive and caring husband, all of the wonderful friends that I have made here, my family, we get to live in this gorgeous place, and on and on.  I don’t take a second of it for granted!  I look forward to another great year coming up!  I hope that your lives and hearts are full during this time of year and that you are with the ones that you love!






Holiday Mini-Sessions/Asheville Family Photographer

I did holiday mini-sessions for families this past weekend and good golly it was so cold! By the end, I couldn’t feel my hands anymore!  My long johns kept the rest of me warm though.  The last time I wore those was when I was pregnant with River in NYC!  I had cut the elastic out of the waist to fit.  lol  I didn’t think I would ever wear those again but I sure am glad I had them this weekend.  These are the only two pictures that I can share right now since clients are using their pictures for their holiday cards but I will be adding more when it gets a little closer to Christmas.  And it’s getting close!  We are very excited here at the Lewis house!  Holidays with children are just amazing!  🙂





Photo of the Year Contest 2012!

So here it is again!  The Photo of the Year Contest is now up on Facebook!  If you have a photo up, be sure to get all of those that you know to vote for your picture on Facebook here:  by “liking” your picture!

*The contest ends on the evening of December 30th.

*The photo with the most “likes” will win the contest.

*The winner will win a free full session with me in 2013.  This session must take place before the second week of April.

*This may not include a newborn session.  Sorry.  🙁

Now here are the photos!  Get to voting.  There’s not much time!

Holiday Babes/Asheville Baby and Child Photographer

Today I did holiday photos for some of the babies and kids in my playgroup.  I’ve wanted to do this setup with the lights since last Christmas so I was very excited to try it out.  The kids all looked so cute and had a great time, mostly.  😉  For some reason, a lot of the moms came in today saying that their child didn’t take their morning naps.  Somehow they always just know!  This is my last session for 2012!  I may have to do a Photo of the Year Contest.  Hmm….stay tuned!  Happy holidays to everyone out there!!