Vacation/Asheville Baby Photographer, Asheville Child Photographer

There’s nothing fun about trying to take pictures of your own kids all together.  lol  People always ask how I do it.  Well, it’s not easy!  I’m much better getting good pictures of other people’s kids!  Today I wanted just a couple of pictures of the kids together at the beach at sunset.  That was a lot to ask for and I knew it but I was up for the challenge.  Mya and Piper did great!  River,….well,…not so much!  But we got a couple of good ones, thanks to my very patient husband!  We only had 15 minutes so it was a little stressful!  I’m so happy that Piper can walk.  I was hoping that she would be walking by the time we went to the beach so that I could get some pictures of her walking on the beach!





Thanks Honey/Asheville Child Photographer

My poor husband!  Anytime we go somewhere and I have my camera (which is rare these days), I always find spots that I just HAVE to take pictures at!  That was the case today.  I mean, what photographer could resist these spots?  They are amazing!





Sweet Family/Asheville Family Photographer

This evening’s session was just perfect and this family was so easy!  I was a little nervous because mom informed me ahead of time that her son is smack dab in the middle of the terrible two’s.  I know all about those!  But he was a dream child!  And this location!  Good golly sometimes I can’t believe I live in such a beautiful place!  Thank you guys for being so amazing.  I’m in love with your pictures and can’t wait for you to see them all!



Every couple needs a picture like this one.  Sometimes after having children, life becomes all about  the children.  Sometimes you need to step back and remember where it all began!


6 Years Old/Asheville Child Photographer

I have a 6 year old.  Wait, I have a what?  A 6 year old??  That makes me feel old!  So yes, we have two girls whose birthdays are less than a week apart….kinda stressful, indeed!  Mya is turning 6 on Monday so I took her with me to take some birthday pictures.  She was SO cute!  She was posing like I’ve never seen her.  It was adorable and we had so much fun together.  I’m not sure we’ve gone anywhere with just the two of us since Piper was born.  She loved it and kept saying I was the greatest, funnest mom ever.  🙂  I love this girl, even on days when she makes me feel like pulling my hair out.  This is a great age and I kind of wish I could freeze her just the way she is right now.  So happy 6th birthday (almost) to my oldest!  I love you my sweet pea!






Brothers/Asheville Child Photographer

Yesterday I did a session with these two adorable little boys.  They were so much fun to goof around with!  But like most siblings, trying to get a picture of them together was no easy task!  They would rather be running and playing and finding sticks.  😉  I had a great time hanging out with you guys!  Here are two that I saw right away when I sat down to start editing tonight.  More to come later!

