Baby Maddox/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I really love lifestyle sessions and am so thankful that this session was a lifestyle session.  This little man was so miserable during his session.  He didn’t want to sleep but cried most of the time that I was there.  🙁  I felt so bad for him.  But we made it work and got a ton of really sweet photos!!  I love that this family goes to the same school as our kids!  I can’t wait to see them around at school functions and one day I’ll see this little guy going to kindergarten!

Baby August/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I love fall time and when I get to use my fall props!  It has been feeling more like winter though for a while but I refuse to ignore my favorite season!  lol  Baby August was such a sweetie and I really loved seeing his family again and his big sister that I did photos of when she was a newborn baby!  Welcome to the world little man!!

Precious Brothers/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Can’t you just look at this picture of these three brothers and see how close they are going to be when they are older?!  I loved how different their personalities were!  The oldest had the sweetest things to say to his mom….brought tears to my eyes!  I hate when I tear up at my sessions, which happens often, because then I just end up sniffling the rest of the session!  lol  I’m such a sap.  It’s embarrassing!  But I love my job and I love these families so what can I say?!  They are all amazing!

Tiny Boy/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Gosh, how is it really already November?!  This year is just flying by!  I’ve been seeing my client’s babies on Facebook from sessions at the beginning of the year and I feel like I don’t know where the time went!  How did they get so big so fast?!  I bet this little guy is so much bigger now too!!