New Path/Asheville Newborn Photographer

So as time has gone on, I have discovered how much I truly love newborn photography.  I love working with families and children too but after lots of thinking and ho and humming, I have decided that my focus is now going to be on newborns and babies up to one year.  I will still be doing family sessions for families that have done  sessions with me in the past or families that do newborn/baby sessions with me but I will no longer be taking new families for family sessions.  I may eventually only be doing family sessions as mini-sessions in the spring and fall, but for now I will book them anytime of year.  This is a huge step, leading in the direction that I want to take.  I’m excited and nervous about it.  Will I be able to get enough business?  Will I miss doing so many family sessions?  Only time will tell and I can always go back!  So yay to change and to doing what you love.  This is hardly considered a job because I adore it so much!

To totally change the subject, here are some more photos from last weekend’s session.  This little man is just precious!




