Springtime!/Asheville Baby and Child Photographer

So, so happy that spring is here!  The weather has been amazing.  I ride around with the sunroof open, the music blaring and a big smile on my face.  This weather will do that to ya!  This afternoon I did spring/Easter mini-sessions.  All day I was afraid it was going to rain and watched weather.com about every 10 minutes.  😉  But it didn’t rain and it was perfect.  So here are a few of my favorites and then it’s off to bed.  zzzzzz…..Why am I up so late when the kids went to bed early tonight?  Don’t I know by now that that means they will probably be up early?!  ha!


This is London.  Isn’t that such a cool name?  She doesn’t like to look at me when I take her pictures, but I don’t mind because I love the pictures of her most when she’s just having fun and being herself.  (By the way, her momma is an A-MAZING artist and I highly recommend checking out her stuff!  We’ve got one of her paintings in our kitchen!

So just to show that London does sometimes look at the camera, here is one of her doing just that!

But I still like these best:

And if you look at my blog often, you will recognize this sweet little bunny.  She and her brother are some of my favorite clients.  I get to photograph them all of the time.  Aren’t I lucky?

I love pictures of babies walking.  Their walk is just too cute!!

I love her blue eyes!

My setup matched her blue and green dress perfectly!

Stay tuned for more throughout the week.  I’ve got another session tomorrow and another mini-session during the week!  Yay for busy season!

One Year Old/Asheville Birthday Photographer

My baby bear is turning one this coming week so I did his birthday pictures this weekend.  I’ve been planning and planning his pictures for months now.  I had it in my head that his pictures would be in my studio with it being March.  But this has not been much of a winter and to my surprise it was actually really warm yesterday.  So change of plans.  Why, oh why, did I have a winter baby?  😉  Didn’t I know that my dreams of a first birthday session outside would be squashed?!  I’m having a really hard time with him turning one.  So many emotions have gone through me.  One day I’m happy to see him growing into such a fun, happy little boy and the next I’m crying my eyes out, not wanting to believe that he is growing up.  I’m not sure if it’s because he has been the easiest, happiest baby ever made and I know what comes next:  the terrible two’s!  Or if it’s just because I know he’s our last and I don’t want the time to go so quickly.  Either way, I am sad that he is getting so big so fast.  I’m so sad about it that I keep wondering if we should have just one more.   My brain says, “No way! Are you crazy?!”  But my mom heart says, “Ohhhh yes.  One more sweet little baby!”  😉  And then there’s my husband.  Oh yeah.  Thanks for putting me back on planet Earth, honey!  lol  So happy birthday to the most amazing little man.  You rock my world and have my heart buddy!

My husband got one of me and my little man together.  Sometimes being a photographer has its disadvantages.  I’m not in many pictures with the kids.  But I love this one.

Spring is Coming!/Asheville Family Photographer

Warm weather is slowly getting here and I couldn’t be happier.  I love that here, trees bloom with all different colors of flowers.  It’s just breathtaking!  So I’m very excited to be able to get out and do my sessions outside again!  (Of course newborn and baby pictures can still be in my studio or in your home.)  If you are wanting a session this coming year, NOW is the time to book it.  Dates are filling in and I only do a small number of sessions per month so that I have more time with my family.  🙂  Can’t wait to find new locations and meet lots of new families this year!  If you are interested in a session, just drop me an email:  brandy@brandylewisphotography.com and I’ll get back to you!