Today I took Mya’s Valentines pictures. Yes, I’m probably the only mom in the world that takes pictures of their child for every holiday. Don’t make fun! 😉 I love these little bloomers that I just got and can’t wait to use them again!! Any takers? February is pretty open! I’m even thinking of offering some sort of deal for those who are interested. Ryder thinks that people are catching up on finances after the holidays and can’t find money to spend on having pictures taken. So why are January and March so full? Hmmm…..There have to be some really cute little girls out there who would look adorable in these little bloomers! 🙂
Oh and if you saw my blog yesterday, you would have seen that I changed it. Well, after really looking at it today, I realized that some of the pictures were being cut off by the side bar. Annoying! So I’m back to the old format for now. I might have to shell out some bucks to get something that I really like. But for now, back to Old Faithful.