This morning (I start every post like that, don’t I? LOL, sorry!) I took pictures for a woman who is starting her own business. She makes AMAZING little girls’ dresses! I was so excited to see them! I took pictures of her dresses on these 2 beautiful little girls so that she can post them on her Etsy site. I’m not allowed to post pictures of the dresses until she has her site ready, but as soon as I can, I will and you just wait until you see what this woman has created. She is one talented momma! Before I left, I had to get some shots of the 2 little girls up close because they are absolutely breathtaking! I do have to apologize for making this poor group of people drive all over Austin. I felt so awful! I learned a second lesson today (the first being don’t buy balloons to use for a session on a windy day!). Call ahead to a location to make sure it’s not booked for a wedding! DUH! Sometimes my blonde hair takes over and my brain shuts off. Thank the good Lord above that these people were easy going! I could have been in for it! Everything happens for a reason and as I was driving to our second location, I didn’t know what the reason was and I was sure that these people were cussing me in their cars! 😉 But after we got to our second location, I realized that it was a much better place for the photos that we were taking. So everything worked out the way it was supposed to! Be on the lookout for these adorable dresses that I will be posting very soon!