Big Move!/Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer

Well, as the title suggests, we are making a big, I mean huge move to the west coast, the San Francisco Bay Area to be exact!

This is a sudden move that took some time to get used to but now we are in full blown hurry and pack and get on the road mode. I am excited to be in CA but also super nervous about so much newness and starting my business all over from scratch again. I’ve done it three times now so I know how to make it work but things have been booming here.

So if you know of anyone in the San Francisco Bay Area, send them my way! I’ll be waiting with my camera! I will miss you, AVL!

I loved doing this sitter session! This sweet boy wasn’t super confident in sitting up just yet but with mom’s help, we got a ton of super sweet images. What a doll!

~Brandy Lewis (Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer)

Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer
Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer

Gorgeous Girl/Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer

Things have been CRAZY busy lately! I’m not sure what’s happening but there has suddenly been a huge baby boom! I can barely keep up so my website has suffered. This sweet girl’s session was a couple of months back but I was so happy to get to see her family again and see how much her big brother had grown. I hadn’t seen him since he was a newborn baby! Are they not the most beautiful children?! I hope you guys are doing great! It was so awesome to see you all again! ~Brandy Lewis (Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer)

Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer
Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer
Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer
Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer

Firecracker/Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer

This baby girl was a firecracker at birth. Her parents warned me that I probably wasn’t going to be able to pose her. I’ve never met a baby that I couldn’t pose or at least wrap and then photograph, but by golly, they were right! lol So we just let her be the boss and got what we could! I love seeing her grow and change on Instagram. She has turned into a happy little baby girl! I know mom and dad are happy to have a calmer baby. 😉 It’s always crazy to me how you can see personalities in babies right from the beginning! They rarely change. They are who they are! This girl is going to do amazing things someday! ~Brandy Lewis (Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer)

Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer
Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer
Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer

So In Love/Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer

This is my little cousin and his new baby girl. She’s growing so quickly that it’s blowing my mind! I feel like she was just born and now she’s full of personality and smiling and laughing. She’s the perfect addition to our family and brings so much joy! I love her little toes in that first photo! I didn’t notice them until I got home and started editing the photos. Adorable! We love you baby girl! ~Brandy Lewis (Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer)

Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer
Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer