Mini-Sessions/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I am going to be doing some mini-sessions coming up in a couple of weeks!  These will be for all ages and families and will be socially distanced and contactless!  I’m so excited to get to do some work again.  If these go well, I may start offering these sessions often!  I’m missing working with you all so much!!  🙁

Time Away/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Our family took a couple of weeks away from home to drive to Minnesota to spend some time with a very small group of family on the lake.  It was amazing to be away but it’s also nice to be back home!  **I’m going to start doing outdoor baby sitter mini-sessions in August!  These will be contactless so that they will be totally safe.  Email me for more details! I’m ready to get back to work but want to make it safe!

Growing Up/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Since I haven’t been able to do any studio sessions, I’ve been loving watching all of my baby clients grow up through social media!  Time goes by so very quickly.  These babies have changed so much in such a short time!  It always blows my mind when moms post birthday photos.  I never feel like enough time has passed for the babies to be that old already!

Wishing/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Right now I’m wishing that 2021 will be a much better year!  I’m loving all of the time with my kids but I know that they need to be with their friends, in school, doing their extra curricular activities.  I keep thinking about so many skills that they are losing.  🙁  I keep thinking about how in 6 years, Mya will be off to college and she’s losing some of that time being a regular kid.  Makes me so sad.  I’m scared about what’s going to happen to my photography business that I’ve worked so hard for for 11 years, but am grateful that my husband is the bread winner for our family.  I worry for friend photographers who are the bread winners of their families.  Needless to say, I’ve been worrying a lot.  I’ve been doing my best to keep my mind off of it but it’s a lot to think about!  I hope you all are doing okay, staying healthy and happy.  I am so anxious to get back to work full time.  I miss working so very much!!  I am offering in-home sessions but I miss my studio.  I miss routines and schedules.  But for now, I will enjoy the lazy days of summer with my kids and be thankful that we are all healthy!

Baby Maddox/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I really love lifestyle sessions and am so thankful that this session was a lifestyle session.  This little man was so miserable during his session.  He didn’t want to sleep but cried most of the time that I was there.  🙁  I felt so bad for him.  But we made it work and got a ton of really sweet photos!!  I love that this family goes to the same school as our kids!  I can’t wait to see them around at school functions and one day I’ll see this little guy going to kindergarten!