Fall Colors!/Asheville Baby Photographer, Asheville Family Photographer

I love how this session turned out so much.  The fall colors are so beautiful and the light this time of year is to die for!  I had to share more from my session last weekend with this precious baby girl!



I loved that I asked this family to go out into this grassy area and they laid down!  I love when families are that relaxed!  It sure makes for some awesome “real” pictures!





Love Her/Asheville Baby Photographer

This evening I did a session with a family that I hadn’t seen since their daughter was a tiny baby.  She was still as beautiful as ever and such a dream baby!  I can’t believe she’s getting ready to turn one!  Time slow down!  I loved seeing them again and getting to spend time with their precious girl!  I will have more to share later in the week!




Fall Mini-Sessions/Asheville Family Photographer

This past weekend I did my first ever fall mini-sessions.  It was so cool meeting 3 new families!  2 of the families didn’t have kids, but had their dogs.  It was so different posing adults with no kids,…..so easy!  You tell them to stand a certain way and they do and then they smile.  Ta dah!  lol  No puppets or me being crazy and silly to get them to smile.  I loved how these turned out and the fall colors look amazing!  Thank you guys for coming out!





Halloween/Asheville Child Photographer

Yesterday I took the kids to take their picture by my favorite spot in our neighborhood before all of the beautiful leaves fell.  We were almost too late, but I still love this picture so much.  Can you tell that someone kind of adores her brother?  So sweet!
