Never Forgotten/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Last weekend I finally got to meet a baby girl that has been in the NICU for nearly 3 months.  Mom emailed me back in the fall to book a session and to let me know that they were having twins!  I was so excited for them.  I’ve done photos for them 2 other times and have loved seeing them every time.  Their two older girls are so sweet!  As time went on, the babies started having some problems and they had to go to some specialists to get things worked out and things were looking good.  In February, both girls were born, very premature.  I was so worried about them.  Harper passed away shortly after birth and my heart broke for this family.  I spent the rest of my day walking around with so much sadness.  I just couldn’t even begin to imagine what they were going through and what their little Adaline was going to experience later on without her twin.  Adaline began to thrive and before we knew it, she was on her way home!  Mom sent me a message that day and I jumped for joy.  We decided to do their session the following weekend.  This family has been through so much.  When they walked in, it took all I had in me not to just grab them all and hug them so tightly.  I got a little emotional during their session.  I was just so happy for this family that they finally had their baby girl home and she was getting so big, coming all the way from 2 lbs. to over 5 lbs!  I wanted to hold her and love on her her entire session.  She was so sweet and loved to be held.  It was not easy letting her go that day but thankfully her mom and I are in the same moms’ group so I know I’ll be seeing her and her sisters again!  All I can say is God is good.  Miracles can happen and babies are incredible little beings.  Sweet little girl, you are here to do amazing things!










Sweet Lily/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

Last week I met this family that drove a little ways to come and see me.  Their baby girl was so precious!  And mom and dad were so in love with her, as was I!  I love her photos and am working hard on finishing them all to share with mom and dad!  Congratulations you guys on a beautiful little girl!!




Sweet Girl/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This weekend I got to do a session for this beautiful baby girl.  Her parents got my business card at the Little Gym.  Turns out, their son used to be in the same class as my Piper.  And the best part about them, the mom is a Seminole!  It’s crazy how many Seminole clients I have had.  They are definitely some of my favorites.  hehe  This baby girl was a dream!  She slept though almost her entire session up until the last prop.  I love it when that happens!  Congratulations you guys on a precious little girl.  She is surrounded by so much love!


