Baby Three/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

This baby boy was baby #3 for this family.  I loved that his mom was just soaking up every moment with him.  I remember with our third, when she was born, I was the same way.  In fact, I’m still that way!  lol  I don’t want time to go by so quickly and I want to be present for everything because I know how fast it goes.  This baby boy sure is so very loved!

Baby Judd/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer

I just loved this session so much.  Dad wasn’t able to come to the session but I loved getting pictures of the mom with her 3 babies!  I love doing photos with older siblings!  They are able to do so much more and you know you won’t have to break out the bubbles and toys to get them to be still.  lol  Little Judd, I bet you aren’t so little anymore!

Vintage/Asheville Newborn Baby Lifestyle Photographer

I am so in love with this first photo!  This was a scale passed down through the family from a pediatric office.  Mom asked in initial emails about using it and anyone that knows me knows that I love antique and vintage props!  That is very much my style!  I don’t typically do props at lifestyle sessions but this I just couldn’t say no to!