Yesterday I took the kids to take their picture by my favorite spot in our neighborhood before all of the beautiful leaves fell. We were almost too late, but I still love this picture so much. Can you tell that someone kind of adores her brother? So sweet!
Newborn Fix/Asheville Newborn Photographer
Tomorrow I’m meeting 3 new families for the fall mini-sessions but until then, I had to get my newborn baby fix!
Precious Girl!/Asheville Child Photographer, Asheville Family Photographer
Last weekend I did a session with a family that I’ve done a couple of sessions for before: maternity when they were about to have their little girl and then again when she was around 1 year old. Now she’s 2 and I can’t even believe what a difference a year makes! She was a photographer’s dream! She would stand and pose and give me the best smiles! I loved hanging out with them and her! I can’t wait to see their sweet baby boy coming up next month! So here are a few of my favorites!
Sweet Family/Asheville Newborn Photographer
A mom from River’s preschool contacted me a couple of weeks ago looking to do newborn pictures of their soon-to-be baby. She just happened to see my email address on an email that the teacher sent out and decided to look me up. I’m so glad she did. These people are such a sweet family! I loved, loved, loved doing their session! We did one in the morning in my studio and then one later in the evening outdoors. I was sad to learn today that they are moving tomorrow. I love staying in contact with my newborn families and watching the babies grow (usually through facebook and future sessions). I won’t get to do that with this sweet little man and it made me rather sad at the end of the evening. 🙁 Somehow just in the short time that I work with these babies, I fall a little bit in love with them. I hope to see this family again when they come back to Asheville. So here are a few of my favorites!
Loving Them All/Asheville Child Photographer, Asheville Family Photographer
I’m editing my session from this past weekend and I just love the pictures so much that I had to share a couple more! These kids are just too cute and so photogenic!