This baby boy was so tiny and sweet and had such a beautiful big sister! This mom and dad make some really awesome parents. At one point during the session, just before we started, I looked and dad was soothing the baby after he had eaten and mom was rocking big sister in her car seat to get her to sleep and I thought to myself, “These two make a great team! What lucky babies!” I am pretty lucky too for getting to meet these beautiful families! Welcome to the world little Jason!
Tiny Boy/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer
I wanted to share some more from this little man’s session. Gosh, he sure is cute!! I bet he’s already growing so much. It really goes so quickly! I love that I get to meet these new babies in their first 2 weeks of life. But I also love watching them grow up through the photos that their parents post on Facebook. It’s exciting to see them take their first steps or to hear them talk! My job is amazing and I’ve met some really awesome families!
Beautiful Baby Girl/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer
I have way too many to share from this session. This baby girl was just perfect!
Precious Baby Boy/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer
I had to share more from this baby boy’s session. I just love his chubby cheeks! Is his momma not stunning?! I can’t wait to see how much fun these two have together! Baby Noah, you have so much love around you!!
Baby Wesley/Asheville Newborn Baby Photographer
This baby boy was so adorable and so tiny. He was only around 5 lbs. He was such a good baby and I loved meeting his family and his super awesome big brother! Welcome to the world little guy!